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Collet   Listen
Collet, Colet  n.  An inferior church servant. (Obs.) See Acolyte.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Collet" Quotes from Famous Books

... Two attacks were made on the airship sheds at Duesseldorf and Cologne. The earlier of these was made on the 22nd of September by four aeroplanes, two for each place. There was a thick mist extending from the river Roer to some miles east of the Rhine, and only Flight Lieutenant Collet succeeded in finding his objective. He glided down at Duesseldorf from a height of 6,000 feet, the last 1,500 feet through the mist, and came in sight of the shed when he was a quarter of a mile from it at a height of 400 feet. One of his bombs fell short; the others probably hit the shed, but failed ...
— The War in the Air; Vol. 1 - The Part played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force • Walter Raleigh

... horse to the king of the Magi. Prince Amgiad was enticed by a collet to enter the minister's house, and when Bahadar returned, he was not a little surprised at the sight of his uninvited guest. The prince, however, explained to him in private how the matter stood, and Bahadar, entering into the ...
— Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol 1 - A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook • The Rev. E. Cobham Brewer, LL.D.

... perforated, so that the interior of the box is visible, and the relic enshrined might be seen. Fig. 177 is another ring of the same construction: it is richly engraved and set with two rubies and a pyramidal diamond; the collet securing the latter stone opens with a spring, and exhibits a somewhat large receptacle for such virulent poisons as were concocted by Italian chemists in the ...
— Rambles of an Archaeologist Among Old Books and in Old Places • Frederick William Fairholt

... de l'Europe, admirably situated, with one side to the Sane and the Tilsit bridge, and the other to the Place Bellecour, the terminus of some of the best trams. In the Rue de la Rpublique are the H.Collet and the H. de Lyon. H.Bellecour in the Place Bellecour. H. des Beaux Arts in the R. de l'Htel de Ville, also well situated. In the Place Perrache, below the station, are the hotels Univers, Angleterre, ...
— The South of France—East Half • Charles Bertram Black

... hardly a century ago among the fields. All round it lie tracts of human life without a past; but memories cluster thickly round "Old Stepney," as the people call it with a certain fond reverence, memories of men like Erasmus and Colet and the group of scholars in whom the Reformation began. It was to the country house of the Dean of St. Paul's, hard by the old church of St. Dunstan, that Erasmus betook him when tired of the smoke and din of town. "I come to drink your fresh air, my Colet," he writes, "to drink yet deeper ...
— Stray Studies from England and Italy • John Richard Green

Words linked to "Collet" :   chuck, ferrule, band, mounting, cap, collet chuck

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