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Cogently   Listen
Cogently  adv.  In a cogent manner; forcibly; convincingly; conclusively.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Cogently" Quotes from Famous Books

... These have been cogently summarized as follows: "... the volume of the flow of wealth in the country of the worker; the relative plenty or scarcity of different agents of production; the relative plenty or scarcity of different kinds of labor."[12] ...
— The Settlement of Wage Disputes • Herbert Feis

... be done by extemporaneous five-minute speeches. There is unquestionably an active movement among the best teachers of English for more stress on oral composition; they recognize that the power to stand quietly and at one's ease on one's feet and explain one's views clearly and cogently will help any ...
— The Making of Arguments • J. H. Gardiner

... indispensable, we should feel constrained to make it in favour of his 'Proverbial Philosophy.' It is one of those unique productions which commends itself to all classes of readers, and from the perusal of which all cannot but derive substantial means of improvement. Familiar truths are so cogently treated therein, as to leave an indelible impression upon the mind, which could not, perhaps, have been so thoroughly made in any other manner; and the "thoughts and arguments" may be perused and reperused with an advantage but few other writings ...
— The Complete Prose Works of Martin Farquhar Tupper • Martin Farquhar Tupper

... heard him put his case, as I thought, more cogently in conversation,' Flaxman would say—though only to his most intimate friends—'but what I never saw before or since was such an effect of personality as he produced that night. From that moment, at any rate, I loved him, and I ...
— Robert Elsmere • Mrs. Humphry Ward

... fathers very much as it still does the children. We have never seen the anti-prohibition argument stated more cogently than in a letter of Thomas Shepard, minister of Cambridge, to Winthrop, in 1639: "This also I doe humbly intreat, that there may be no sin made of drinking in any case one to another, for I am confident he that stands here ...
— Among My Books - First Series • James Russell Lowell

... except, that the effect of this would be to place the States in a condition of inferiority; and that it results from the very nature of things, there being no superior, that the parties must be their own judges! Thus closely and cogently does the honorable gentleman reason on the words of the Constitution. The gentleman says, if there be such a power of final decision in the general government, he asks for the grant of that power. Well, Sir, I show him the grant. I turn him to the very words. I show him that the laws ...
— The Great Speeches and Orations of Daniel Webster • Daniel Webster

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