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Casus   Listen
Casus  n.  An event; an occurrence; an occasion; a combination of circumstances; a case; an act of God. See the Note under Accident.
Casus belli, an event or combination of events which is a cause war, or may be alleged as a justification of war.
Casus fortuitus, an accident against which due prudence could not have provided. See Act of God, under Act.
Casus omissus, a case not provided for by the statute.

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"Casus" Quotes from Famous Books

... their kind, began to squabble. It was natural for them to do so, perhaps, for the weather was so hot, and the liquors, for the most part, more so; and under these circumstances men do not always cast about them long for a casus belli. One or two minor brawls opened the ball, and Herr Gustav, scenting battle in the air, drew from a locker a card, which he balanced against the bottles on a shelf above his ...
— Stories by English Authors: Africa • Various

... Sanguine submersae meminere sub aequore classes. Hic vbi per medios proiectus Seqvana Celtas Labitur, et nomen max amissurus, et vndas. Omnia si desint, quantum est ingentibus ausis Humani generis pro pace bonoque pacisci Tam varies casus, freta tanta, pericula tanta? Linquere adhuc teneram prolem, et dulcissima sacri Oscula coniugij, numerantemque ordine longo Avcheriam digitis in mollibus, aequora mille Formidanda modis, atque inter pauca relatos Avcherios ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation, Vol. XII., America, Part I. • Richard Hakluyt

... scopo aberrantem, retraxi, dum majore vi, occasione ministrante, adversus Fortunam intorquerem. Ast mihi, talia volventi, et, sicut Saturnus ille [Greek: paidoboros], liberos intellectus mei depascere fidenti, casus miserandus, nec antea inauditus, supervenit. Nam, ut ferunt Scythas pietatis causa et parsimoniae, parentes suos mortuos devorasse, sic filius hic meus primogenitus, Scythis ipsis minus mansuetus, patrem vivum totum et calcitrantem exsorbere enixus est. Nec tamen ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell • James Lowell

... excultus literis; Parce pius, impius minime; Veritatis Indagator, Libertatis Assertor; Subsannatus multis, fastiditus quibusdam, Exoptatus plurimis, omnibus amicus, Auctor hujus sententiae, PATRES SUNT VETULAE. Per laudem et vituperium, per famam atque infamiam; Utramque fortunam, variosque expertus casus, Mente Sana, sano corpore, volens, laetusque, Lustris plus quam XI numeratis, Ad rem familiarem restaurandam augendamque, Et ad Evangelium Indos inter Orientales praedicandum, Grevae, idibus Februarii, navem ascendens, Arcemque Sancti ...
— The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume I (of 2) • Jonathan Swift

... intret: da consilium utile. Quaeris, quid felici praestare possis? Effice, ne felicitati suae credat. Parum in illum contuleris, si illi semel stultam fiduciam permansurae semper potentiae excusseris, docuerisque mobilia esse quae dedit casus; ac saepe inter fortunam maximam et ultimam nihil interesse. Sen. de ...
— The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, • Charles Rollin

... notoriety. General Scott told me on my arrival at New York, as early as 1850, that the country was on the eve of civil war; and the Southern politicians openly asserted that it was their purpose to accept as a casus belli the election of General Fremont in 1856; but, fortunately or unfortunately, he was beaten by Mr. Buchanan, which simply postponed its occurrence for four years. Mr. Seward had also publicly declared that no government ...
— The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Complete • William T. Sherman

... if your Directory can't find something in the attitude of Italy towards the Republic to take offence at, the sooner it goes out of business the better. I'll leave that question entirely to you fellows at Paris. I can't do everything. You look after the casus, and I'll take care of ...
— Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica • John Kendrick Bangs

... and chancellories there had been set on foot a boundless volume of work. Clerical pens slaved, and brains skilled in legal casus toiled; for each official had the artist's liking for the curved line in preference to the straight. And all the while, like a hidden magician, Chichikov's lawyer imparted driving power to that machine which caught up a man into ...
— Dead Souls • Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

... si a conjugio liber essem ac solutus, si jure divino liceret, hanc solam prae caeteris foeminis stabili mihi jure ac foedere matrimoniali conjungerem. Si vero in hoc judicio matrimonium nostrum jure divino prohibitum, ideoque ab initio nullum irritumque fuisse pronuncietur, infelix hic meus casus multis lacrimis lugendus ac deplorandus erit. Non modo quod a tam illustris et amabilis mulieris consuetudine et consortio divertendum sit, sed multo magis quod specie ad similitudinem veri conjugii decepti in amplexibus plusquam fornicariis tam multos annos ...
— The Reign of Henry the Eighth, Volume 1 (of 3) • James Anthony Froude

... opinion was divided in regard to the propriety of this step, and that there was some discussion as to the comparative virtue of the ladies who were not expelled; but it was generally conceded that the real casus belli was political. "Is this a dashed Puritan meeting?" had asked the Colonel, savagely. "It's no Pike County shindig," had responded the floor-manager, cheerfully. "You're a Yank!" had screamed the Colonel, profanely qualifying the noun. "Get! you border ruffian," ...
— Mrs. Skaggs's Husbands and Other Stories • Bret Harte

... rank. If we can get the same information elsewhere, no fear that we need equally regret the secretary's quill. As it is, we must be contented to watch the course of things and recollect the Roman's maxim, "quae casus ...
— A Publisher and His Friends • Samuel Smiles

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