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Capsule   Listen
Capsule  n.  
(Bot.) A dry fruit or pod which is made up of several parts or carpels, and opens to discharge the seeds, as, the capsule of the poppy, the flax, the lily, etc.
A small saucer of clay for roasting or melting samples of ores, etc.; a scorifier.
A small, shallow, evaporating dish, usually of porcelain.
(Med.) A small cylindrical or spherical gelatinous envelope in which nauseous or acrid doses are inclosed to be swallowed.
(Anat.) A membranous sac containing fluid, or investing an organ or joint; as, the capsule of the lens of the eye. Also, a capsulelike organ.
A metallic seal or cover for closing a bottle.
A small cup or shell, as of metal, for a percussion cap, cartridge, etc.
Atrabiliary capsule. See under Atrabiliary.
Glisson's capsule, a membranous envelope, entering the liver along with the portal vessels and insheathing the latter in their course through the organ.
Suprarenal capsule, a ductless gland secreting epinephrine, norepinephrine, and steroid hormones, on the upper end of each kidney. It is also called the adrenal gland, glandula suprarenalis, suprarenal gland, epinephros, atrabiliary capsule, and adrenal capsule.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Capsule" Quotes from Famous Books

... the animal in comfortable quarters and blanket if chilly. When colicky pains are present treat the same as for spasmodic colic. To stop the straining and labor pains, give Tincture Opii one ounce, placing in gelatin capsule and give with capsule gun every two hours. One to two doses, however, are generally sufficient as the mare will either abort or the dangerous period will have passed. Keep the animal quiet and feed good nutritious food and pure water with chill ...
— The Veterinarian • Chas. J. Korinek

... French abridger of the History of Germany, consisted in creating doctors and notaries, in legitimatizing the bastards of citizens, in crowning poets, in giving dispensations with respect to age, and in other things. To this diploma sent to Petrarch was attached a bull, or capsule of gold. On one side was the impression of the Emperor, seated on his throne, with an eagle and lion beside him; on the other was the city of Rome, with its temples and walls. The Emperor had added ...
— The Sonnets, Triumphs, and Other Poems of Petrarch • Petrarch

... can be compressed into a small capsule to supply the wearer's needs. Remember, it can be ...
— Tom Swift and the Electronic Hydrolung • Victor Appleton

... medicine, but gives all too little glimpse of anatomy and physiology. Rufus of Ephesus, however, in the next century practised dissection of apes and other animals. He described the decussation of the optic nerves and the capsule of the crystalline lens, and gave the first clear description that has survived of the structure of the eye. He regarded the nerves as originating from the brain, and distinguished between nerves of motion and of sensation. He described the oviduct of the sheep and rightly held that life was ...
— The Legacy of Greece • Various

... here." Kielland sank down on the bench near the wall. A tiny headache was developing; he found a capsule in his samples case and ...
— The Native Soil • Alan Edward Nourse

... hadn't begun to run up so, I'd have got the rubber, or Peruvian-bark idea, or whatever it was, entirely out of his mind. Poor papa! It breaks my heart to see him changing so! And so I gave him a sleeping-capsule, and came down through this splendid rain; and now I'm going! But, mind, this last ...
— Aladdin & Co. - A Romance of Yankee Magic • Herbert Quick

... depression to form a scale-like involucre (in). Fertilization takes place about June, and the sporogonium is fully developed by the winter. The embryo developed from the fertilized ovum consists at first of a number of tiers of cells. Its terminal tier gives rise to the capsule, the first divisions in the four cells of the tier marking off the wall of the capsule from the cells destined to produce the spores. In fig. 4, C, which represents a longitudinal section of a young ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 - "Brescia" to "Bulgaria" • Various

... illustrate. The cellophane came unsealed with surprising ease: so did the revenue stamp. He dumped out the contents of the pack: sixteen cigarettes, four cigarette tip-ends, four bits snapped from the other ends—and a small aluminum microfilm capsule. ...
— The Mercenaries • Henry Beam Piper

... five divisions; each of these, when the seed is ripe, on being touched, suddenly folds itself into a spiral form, leaps from the stalk and disperses the seeds to a great distance by it's elasticity. The capsule of the geranium and the beard of wild oats are twisted for a similar purpose, and dislodge their seeds on wet days, when the ground is best fitted to receive them. Hence one of these, with its adhering capsule or ...
— The Botanic Garden. Part II. - Containing The Loves of the Plants. A Poem. - With Philosophical Notes. • Erasmus Darwin

... out on a long journey. He pitied her for the trouble that she was about to suffer. After these first caresses, he shouted to his assistants, placed in the lower story of the tower, to begin. They grasped the ropes, the wheel creaked, the enormous capsule of metal started slowly into motion. Quasimodo followed it with his glance and trembled. The first shock of the clapper and the brazen wall made the framework upon which it was mounted quiver. Quasimodo ...
— Notre-Dame de Paris - The Hunchback of Notre Dame • Victor Hugo

... gun, it was found to be impracticable to use a fulminating cap sufficiently large to ignite the powder and cause it to burn. Therefore, a small ignition charge of black powder was employed, it being put in a capsule or bag and placed next the primer. On firing at the rate of 300 rounds per minute, the black powder, though small in quantity, produced a cloud of smoke through which it was quite impossible to see. The inventor of the gun then prepared for the French some wafers of pyroxyline canvas, ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 821, Sep. 26, 1891 • Various

... taken the dark-centered "Mephisto" and the "Danebrog," or Danish flag, with a white cross on a red field. The second year the hybrids were all true to the type of "Mephisto." From the seeds of each artificially self-fertilized capsule, one-fourth (22.5%) [292] in each instance reverted to the varietal mark of the white cross, and three-fourths (77.5%) retained the dark heart. Once more the flowers were self-pollinated and the visits of insects excluded. The ...
— Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation • Hugo DeVries

... ends of the fragments become rounded and are covered with a layer of cartilage. Around their ends a capsule of fibrous tissues forms, on the inner aspect of which a layer of endothelium develops and secretes a synovia-like fluid. This is met with chiefly in the humerus and ...
— Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition. • Alexander Miles

Words linked to "Capsule" :   orb, ejection seat, capsulize, concentrate, enwrap, abridgement, abridgment, sleeping capsule, spacecraft, enfold, siliqua, wrap, ejector seat, peristome, seat, lozenge, bilocular capsule, capsulise, ballistic capsule, silique, pill, capsulate, space vehicle, sum-up, tab, eyeball, container, tablet, enclose, renal corpuscle, glomerular capsule, time capsule, lens capsule, pericarp, body structure, digest, cockpit, anatomical structure, Bowman's capsule, condensation, condense, bodily structure, envelop

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