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Capitoline   Listen
Capitoline, Capitolian  adj.  Of or pertaining to the Capitol in Rome. "Capitolian Jove."
Capitoline games (Antiq.), annual games instituted at Rome by Camillus, in honor of Jupiter Capitolinus, on account of the preservation of the Capitol from the Gauls; when reinstituted by Domitian, after a period of neglect, they were held every fifth year.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Capitoline" Quotes from Famous Books

... before the sculptured faces of Zeus and Aphrodite and Apollo and Bacchus, one dreams one's self into intuitions of the old gods, and the lovely faiths of the ancient world. And I go sometimes alone with a book to the Borghese or to the Capitoline and there let my imagination wander in re-creation of the visions of life and the soul that came as interpretations to the ancients. I have lately been reading a book on the cult of Orpheus, the Pagan Christ, one of the ...
— Children of the Market Place • Edgar Lee Masters

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