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Capite   Listen
Capite  n.  See under Tenant.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Capite" Quotes from Famous Books

... De Occulta Philosophia, p. 290, we find that the fifteenth mansion of the moon incipit capite Librae, and is good pro extrahendis thesauris, the object being to discover hidden treasure. In p. 246, we learn that a silver plate must be used with the moon. In p. 248, we have the words which denote the Intelligence, etc. But, owing to the falling of a number into a wrong line, or ...
— A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume I (of II) • Augustus De Morgan

... posteriore quidem corporis sui parte, pedes binos; ab anteriori autem parte, binos armos, vel pedes, vel alas, humeris affixos: interque humeros collum, in spinam excurrens, cui affixum est caput; in eoque capite binas aures, binos oculos, nasum, os et linguam; similiter posita omnia, in omnibus fere animalibus." —Newton, Optices, sive de reflex, ...
— Surgical Anatomy • Joseph Maclise

... Quid facit is, patruom qui non sinit esse maritum? Ecqui scis quantum suscipiat sceleris? Suscipit, o Gelli, quantum non ultima Tethys 5 Nec genitor lympharum abluit Oceanus: Nam nihil est quicquam sceleris, quo prodeat ultra, Non si demisso se ipse voret capite. ...
— The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus • Caius Valerius Catullus

... apud Ananiam supra Cap. 4. 2. Et licet non inventi essent vivi a quolibet, pari jure Monocerota & alia negare liceret. 3. Qui maria pernavigant, vix oras paucas maritimas lustrant, adeo non terras omnes a mari dissitas. 4. Neque in Oris illos habitare maritimis ex Capite quinto manifestum est. 5. Quis testatum se omnem adhibuisse diligentiam in inquirendo eos ut inveniret. 6. Ita in terra habitant, ut in Antris vitam tolerare dicantur. 7. Si vel maxime omni ab omnibus diligentia quaesiti fuissent, nec ...
— A Philological Essay Concerning the Pygmies of the Ancients • Edward Tyson

... Antiquaries) "confirmed Mr. Amyot's conjecture on that subject, by the references with which he furnished him to Domesday Book, where his name occurs in no less than six counties, as holding lands of large extent under Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, the tenant in capite of those properties from the crown. That he was not a guard or centinel, as the Abbe de la Rue supposes, but that he held an office of rank in the household of either William or Odo, seems now decided beyond a doubt." Mr. Amyot thus spiritedly ...
— A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume One • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... vivere, ut nemini iocus sim. Homo inter homines sum, capite aperto ambulo; assem aerarium nemini debeo; constitutum habui nunquam; nemo mihi in foro dixit 'redde, quod debes.' Glebulas emi, lamelullas paravi; viginti ventres pasco et canem; contubernalem meam redemi, ne quis in sinu illius ...
— The Common People of Ancient Rome - Studies of Roman Life and Literature • Frank Frost Abbott

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