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Caecum   Listen
caecum  n.  (pl. caecums, L. caeca)  (Anat.)
A cavity open at one end, as the blind end of a canal or duct.
The blind part of the large intestine beyond the entrance of the small intestine; called also the blind gut. (Also spelled cecum) Note: The caecum is comparatively small in man, and ends in a slender portion, the vermiform appendix; but in herbivorous mammals it is often as large as the rest of the large intestine. In fishes there are often numerous intestinal caeca.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Caecum" Quotes from Famous Books

... prohibet;[602] suos hortatur, uti fortem animum gererent; saepe ante paucis strenuis[603] adversum multitudinem bene pugnatum; quanto sibi in proelio minus pepercissent, tanto tutiores fore, nec quemquam decere, qui manus armaverit, ab inermis[604] pedibus auxilium petere, in maximo metu nudum et caecum corpus ad hostes vertere. Deinde Volucem, quoniam hostilia faceret, Jovem maximum obtestatus, ut sceleris atque perfidiae Bocchi testis adesset, ex castris abire jubet. Ille lacrimans orare, ne ea crederet; ...
— De Bello Catilinario et Jugurthino • Caius Sallustii Crispi (Sallustius)

... stomach the duodenum, d, extends, following a sort of V-shaped course, towards the yolk-stalk, ys. In the region of the yolk-stalk it is somewhat enlarged and ends in a blind sac like a caecum. At the side of this sac is seen the opening of the enteron to the yolk-stalk; the anterior and posterior intestinal portals are not distinguishable from each other. From this point the hindgut, hg, extends ...
— Development of the Digestive Canal of the American Alligator • Albert M. Reese

... about five or six feet long. It is much larger than the small intestine, joining it obliquely at short distance from its end. A blind pouch, or dilated pocket is thus formed at the place of junction, called the caecum. A valvular arrangement called the ileo-caecal valve, which is provided with a button-hole slit, forms a kind of movable partition between this part of the large intestine ...
— A Practical Physiology • Albert F. Blaisdell

... in the great scheme of space and time. I knew him incurably for what he was, finite and not final, a being of compromises and adaptations. I had traced his lungs, for example, from a swimming bladder, step by step, with scalpel and probe, through a dozen types or more, I had seen the ancestral caecum shrink to that disease nest, the appendix of to-day, I had watched the gill slit patched slowly to the purposes of the ear and the reptile jaw suspension utilised to eke out the needs of a sense organ taken from ...
— A Modern Utopia • H. G. Wells

Words linked to "Caecum" :   cavum, cecal appendage, caecal, vermiform appendix, cavity, cecum, vermiform process

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