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Blent   Listen
Blent  past, past part.  (past & past part. of Blend) Blinded. Also (), 3d sing. pres. Blindeth. (Obs.)

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"Blent" Quotes from Famous Books

... solitude and isolation are oppressive circumstances, yet I do not wish for any friends to stay with me; I could not do with any one—not even you—to share the sadness of the house; it would rack me intolerably. Meantime, judgment is still blent with mercy. Anne's sufferings still continue mild. It is my nature, when left alone, to struggle on with a certain perseverance, and I believe God ...
— The Life of Charlotte Bronte • Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell

... the shingle-beach, We loitered at the time When ripens on the wall the peach, The autumn's lovely prime. Far off,—the sea and sky seemed blent, The day was wholly done, The distant town its murmurs sent, Strangers,—we ...
— Ancient Ballads and Legends of Hindustan • Toru Dutt

... all;—this is the meagre outline of a room, which, having once sat within, you would wish never to see changed, in which many pure and noble men and women have loved to commune with the lives which have been so blent with all its suggestions that it almost seems a ...
— The Seven Little Sisters Who Live on the Round Ball - That Floats in the Air • Jane Andrews

... heads. These women have the port of goddesses, deep-bosomed, with the length of thigh and springing ankles that betoken strength no less than elasticity and grace. The hair of some of them was golden, rippling in little curls around brown brows and glowing eyes. Pale lilac blent with orange on their dress, and coral beads hung from ...
— New Italian sketches • John Addington Symonds

... That eclipse was Robert; she had seen him. She would return home comforted, carrying in her mind a clearer vision of his aspect, a distincter recollection of his voice, his smile, his bearing; and blent with these impressions was often a sweet persuasion that, if she could get near him, his heart might welcome her presence yet, that at this moment he might be willing to extend his hand and draw her to him, and shelter ...
— Shirley • Charlotte Bronte

... Neave's state was the fact of his not being a mere collector, even the collector raised to his highest pitch of efficiency. The whole thing was blent in him with poetry—his imagination had romanticized the acquisitive instinct, as the religious feeling of the Middle Ages turned passion into love. And yet his could never be the abstract enjoyment of the philosopher who says: "This or that object ...
— Tales Of Men And Ghosts • Edith Wharton

... alcoves, far withdrawn, He turned with measured steps and slow, Trimming his lantern as he went; And there, among the shadows, bent Above one ponderous folio, With whose miraculous text were blent Seraphic faces: Angels, crowned With rings of melting amethyst; Mute, patient Martyrs, cruelly bound To blazing fagots; here and there, Some bold, serene Evangelist, Or Mary in her sunny hair: And here and there from out the words A brilliant tropic bird took flight; And through ...
— Atlantic Monthly,Volume 14, No. 82, August, 1864 - A Magazine Of Literature, Art, And Politics • Various

... sea, Weasel's {50} flashes rent Thy vapours dun. Down to thy bosom heroes went, For with those flashes death was blent; From the fight rose a yell which rent Thy vapours dun. From Denmark lighteneth Tordenskiold,— "Yield, yield to heaven's favourite ...
— Targum • George Borrow

... lent Where, with it, blent A maiden's o'er her instrument; While all the night, From vale to height, Was filled ...
— Riley Songs of Home • James Whitcomb Riley

... eyes, as she looked up at Sally, was a considerate inquiry blent with curiosity, touched with suspicion which she tried in vain ...
— Sally Bishop - A Romance • E. Temple Thurston

... ecstatically Unto my lips dost evermore present The body and blood of Love in sacrament; Whom I have neared and felt thy breath to be The inmost incense of his sanctuary; Who without speech hast owned him, and intent Upon his will, thy life with mine hast blent, And murmured ...
— The House of Life • Dante Gabriel Rossetti

... and kinsukas, With scarlet flowerets flaming. Thronging these Were arjuns and arishta-clumps, which bear The scented purple clusters; syandans, And tall silk-cotton trees, and mango-belts With silvery spears; and wild rose-apple, blent 'Mid lodhra-tufts and khadirs, interknit By clinging rattans, climbing everywhere From stem to stem. Therewith were intermixed— Round pools where rocked the lotus—amalaks, Plakshas with fluted leaves, kadambas sweet, Udumbaras; ...
— Hindu Literature • Epiphanius Wilson

... was full pleasant to her, and when she hearkened him, how kind and frank it was, then she knew how much of terror was blent with her joy in her newly-won freedom and the delight of the kind and happy words. Yet still she spoke not, and was both shamefast and still not altogether unafraid. Yet, sooth to say, though his attire was but simple, he was nought wild or fierce to look on. From time to time she ...
— Child Christopher • William Morris

... eyes gleamed. Her bosom heaved. The fire of her glance passed to his. Her loveliness troubled him, the matchless face and form that now blent the purity of a statue with the warmth of ...
— Dreamers of the Ghetto • I. Zangwill

... joy was blent with my measure of fear; a joy at the thought that even now, in this extremity, I was outwitting him, for never a doubt had he that the burnt paper he had found on the table was all that was left of Vitelli's letter. His fears were that I might have read it, ...
— The Shame of Motley • Raphael Sabatini

... Relics in this household shrine— The silver bell, so seldom rung, The little cap which last she wore, The fair, dead Catherine that hung By angels borne above her door. The songs she sang, without lament, In her prison-house of pain, Forever are they sweetly blent ...
— Little Women • Louisa May Alcott

... graveyard. The women who mourn husbands and lovers stray over fields of strife, and wonder where the loved one sleeps. Friend and foe, "in one red burial blent," are lying down in the ...
— The Little Lady of Lagunitas • Richard Henry Savage

... encompassing a thing as that joy of his should have been. Yet, when later he left his cousin's presence, the only feeling that he carried with him was a deep and bitter resentment against the Fate that willed such things, blent with a sorrowing pity for the girl that was to wed his cousin and a growing hatred for the cousin who made ...
— Love-at-Arms • Raphael Sabatini

... life!—man grows Forth from his parents' stem, And blends their bloods, as those Of theirs are blent in them; So each new man strikes root ...
— Poetical Works of Matthew Arnold • Matthew Arnold

... the press, and dwell with soothfastness; truthfulness. Suffice[29] unto thy good, though it be small; For hoard hath hate, and climbing tickleness;[30] Praise hath envy, and weal is blent over all.[31] Savour[32] no more than thee behove shall. Rede well thyself that other folk shall rede; counsel. And truth thee shall deliver—it is no drede. there ...
— England's Antiphon • George MacDonald

... there came from the belfry out A strange wild sound as of pleasure and pain; For the birth of the new a jubilant shout: For the death of the old a sad refrain. And the voice went throbbingly through the air, Went sobbing and sighing, with laughter blent; All the echoes awakening everywhere; A guest that was welcomed wherever, ...
— The Death of Saul and other Eisteddfod Prize Poems and Miscellaneous Verses • J. C. Manning

... came and stood over the little lady, and looked down on her with faces of pity, which seemed blent with a serene and half-amused indulgence. It was a heavenly amusement, such as that with which mothers listen to the foolish-wise prattle of children just ...
— Betty's Bright Idea; Deacon Pitkin's Farm; and The First Christmas - of New England • Harriet Beecher Stowe

... scene of exquisite softness and tenderness. Beneath the shadow of some great trees not far from the castle gate, a young crusader was taking leave of his fair-haired bride. Her pale, tearful face, wherein love and grief blent indescribably, would move the most callous heart, while the struggle between emotion and the manly pride that would not permit him to give way, in the young chieftain's features, was scarcely less touching. Beautiful as were the accessories ...
— Barriers Burned Away • E. P. Roe

... dream, hadst thou courage to hear Me interpret, were dreamed not in vain. For this hour, O Love, was not meant, With its rapture of peace, to endure, Intense, calm, passionate, pure,— My spirit with thy spirit blent As the odor of flower and flower, Of hyacinth blossom and rose. Heart, spirit, and body, and brain, Thou art utterly mine, as I thine; But the love of the flesh, tho' at first When I saw you and loved you it burst With ...
— In Divers Tones • Charles G. D. Roberts

... true! Too true! Beneath you on the floor Lay blent in ruin all the obscure things That were the sofa's strength, a scattered store Of tacks and battens and protruded springs. Through the rent ticking they had all been spilt, Mute proofs and mournful of your weight ...
— The Vagabond and Other Poems from Punch • R. C. Lehmann

... Biglow Papers, their logical, that is, witty character, as distinguished from their drollery, that arrests the attention. They are funny, but they are not so funny as they are smart. In all these writers humor was blent with more serious qualities, which gave fineness and literary value to their humorous writings. Their view of life was not exclusively comic. But there has been a class of jesters, of professional humorists, in America, whose product is so indigenous, ...
— Initial Studies in American Letters • Henry A. Beers

... are blent On terrible placards Where flames the fierce advertisement Yea, or on Christmas cards (Not Ward's, ...
— Rhymes a la Mode • Andrew Lang

... The hind legs of his chair sank slowly, the seat of justice tilted farther and farther; as he clutched wildly at the table, the table began to slide upon him, and with an uproar of cracking timber, table, chairs, magistrates, clerks, together, in one burial blent, were ...
— News from the Duchy • Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

... horror baulked my strong intent; Next o'er the compound wall we saw him go, While uncouth moan, with hapless gesture blent, Deplored the ...
— Rhymes of the East and Re-collected Verses • John Kendall (AKA Dum-Dum)

... rouse me to the race and make me strong; Till in such music I take up my part, Swelling those Hallelujahs full of rest, One, tenfold, hundred-fold, with heavenly art, Fulfilling north and south and east and west, Thousand, ten-thousand-fold, innumerable, All blent in one yet each one manifest; Each one distinguished and beloved as well As if no second voice in earth or heaven Were lifted up the Love of God to tell. Ah, Love of God, which Thine Own Self hast given To me most poor, and made me rich in love, Love that dost pass the tenfold seven ...
— Poems • Christina G. Rossetti

... above itself, and above ordinary retrospect. The true aspect of the place, especially of the house there in which he had lived as a child, the fashion of its doors, its hearths, its windows, the very scent upon the air of it, was with him in sleep for a season; only, with tints more musically blent on wall and floor, and some finer light and shadow running in and out along its curves and angles, and with all its little carvings daintier. He awoke with a sigh at the thought of almost thirty years which lay between him and that ...
— A Book of English Prose - Part II, Arranged for Secondary and High Schools • Percy Lubbock

... kaleidoscope,—an appellation suggested by the variety of shifting tints, from those of female dress to those of innumerable commodities, from dazzling effects of sunshine to the radiance of equipage, vivid paint, gilded signs, and dazzling wares. And blent with this pervading language of colors are the local associations which the articles of merchandise hint. Consider how extensive is their scope,—Persian carpets, Lyons silks, Genoa velvets, ribbons ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 110, December, 1866 - A Magazine of Literature, Science, Art, and Politics • Various

... will the woolly flocks Be cropping their goodly food and creeping about Whither the summons of the grass, begemmed With the fresh dew, is calling, and the lambs, Well filled, are frisking, locking horns in sport: Yet all for us seem blurred and blent afar— A glint of white at rest on a green hill. Again, when mighty legions, marching round, Fill all the quarters of the plains below, Rousing a mimic warfare, there the sheen Shoots up the sky, and ...
— Of The Nature of Things • [Titus Lucretius Carus] Lucretius

... traits shine in thy face, Harmonious blent in Time and Space; Ideal of form, of tone, of color, Of thought, emotion, ...
— Song-waves • Theodore H. Rand

... festal bowls went round, He heard the minstrel sing; He saw the tourney's victor crowned, Amidst the kingly ring; A murmur of the restless deep Was blent with every strain, A voice of winds that would not sleep,— He never ...
— Christmas: Its Origin and Associations - Together with Its Historical Events and Festive Celebrations During Nineteen Centuries • William Francis Dawson

... sound of strife, The morn the marshaling in arms—the day Battle's magnificently stern array! The thunder-clouds close o'er it, which when rent The earth is covered thick with other clay, Which her own clay shall cover, heaped and pent, Rider and horse,—friend, foe,—in one red burial blent. ...
— Children's Literature - A Textbook of Sources for Teachers and Teacher-Training Classes • Charles Madison Curry

... At early morn we went; Together, in the deep green groves, The drowsy noontide spent; And in the evening watched how well The sunset glories blent. ...
— Cap and Gown - A Treasury of College Verse • Selected by Frederic Knowles

... of great brand-new imitation of intensely old houses, where the amount of ground covered measures the purse of the builder, it is pleasant to come upon a place like Vandon, a quiet old manor-house, neither large nor small, built of ancient bricks, blent to a dim purple and a dim red by ...
— The Danvers Jewels, and Sir Charles Danvers • Mary Cholmondeley

... zealot's face, and he tottered back bleeding. Then the storm broke in all its fury. The upper air was black with staves, sticks, and umbrellas, mingled with the pallid hailstones of knobby fists. Yells, and groans, and hoots, and battle-cries blent in grotesque chorus, like one of Dvorak's weird diabolical movements. Mortlake stood impassive, with arms folded, making no further effort, and the battle raged round him as the water swirls round some steadfast rock. A posse of police from the back fought their way steadily towards ...
— The Grey Wig: Stories and Novelettes • Israel Zangwill

... beetle to Pthah. A long struggle against their rude faith ended in its adoption as the religion of the new empire. Then rose the mighty monuments that cumber the river-bank and the desert—obelisk, labyrinth, pyramid, and tomb of king, blent with tomb of crocodile. Into such deep debasement, O brethren, the sons of ...
— Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ • Lew Wallace

... cheerful shouts at noon Come, from the village sent, Or songs of maids beneath the moon, With fairy laughter blent? And what if, in the evening light, Betrothed lovers walk in sight Of my low monument? I would the lovely scene around Might know no sadder ...
— Library Of The World's Best Literature, Ancient And Modern, Vol 6 • Various

... which would vanish before the summer heats, leaving them rosy brown or gray. But whatever the fundamental tone, it was always brilliant; for the Athenians lived in a land where blue sky, blue sea, and the massive rock blent together into such a galaxy of shifting color, that, in comparison, the lighting of almost any northern or western landscape would seem feeble and tame. The Athenians absorbed natural ...
— A Day In Old Athens • William Stearns Davis

... which had been transplanted there twelve years before, in preparation of shade and beauty for the dooryard; and though their verdant honors had been shed in autumn, they reminded the hearts within of their guardian presence, by the whisperings of love they blent with the winter blast. ...
— Summerfield - or, Life on a Farm • Day Kellogg Lee

... By mutual spirit, that each motion fired With beauteous response, like minstrelsy Afresh fulfilling fresh expectancy. So, when Palermo made high festival, The joy of matrons and of maidens all Was the mock terror of the tournament, Where safety, with the glimpse of danger blent, Took exaltation as from epic song, Which greatly tells the pains that to great ...
— How Lisa Loved the King • George Eliot

... dreams! above the city's strife I picture him, in some lone eyrie pent, What time the crash and roar of London's life Drone deep-mouthed up in sullen music blent, And, hearkening, he weaves with lonely glee A wondrous web of ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, May 13, 1914 • Various

... deemed?— Because in singleness of thought She never of deception dreamed But trusted the ideal she wrought?— Because her passion wanted art, Obeyed the impulses of heart?— Because she was so innocent, That Heaven her character had blent With an imagination wild, With intellect and strong volition And a determined disposition, An ardent heart and yet so mild?— Doth love's incautiousness in her ...
— Eugene Oneguine [Onegin] - A Romance of Russian Life in Verse • Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin

... each; expression re-cast them at her pleasure, and strange metamorphoses she wrought, giving him now the mien of a morose bull, and anon that of an arch and mischievous girl; more frequently, the two semblances were blent, and a queer, ...
— The Professor • (AKA Charlotte Bronte) Currer Bell

... Tancred, how far different From thy beginnings good these follies be? What makes thee deaf? what hath thy eyesight blent? What mist, what cloud thus overshadeth thee? This is a warning good from heaven down sent, Yet His advice thou canst not hear nor see Who calleth and conducts thee to the way From which thou willing dost ...
— Jerusalem Delivered • Torquato Tasso

... Christmas of the fifteenth year a second great change came over Marner's life, and his history became blent in a singular manner with the ...
— English: Composition and Literature • W. F. (William Franklin) Webster

... I have never been conscious of any emotion so profound and solemn as that which possessed me during the last day of my father's life. I witnessed the expiring flame in those dread moments when time is blent with eternity, and when the last sigh seems to waft the immortal spirit into a state of existence of which no adequate conception can be formed. After all was over, and the breath of life had fled, I could not believe my senses, that the prop of my affections was gone from my love and ...
— Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume VI • Various

... tender heart, that sufferest so, Why with that thought such anguish should be blent, Compared with which, all other thoughts ...
— The Poems of Giacomo Leopardi • Giacomo Leopardi

... wood, Came starker shadows moving vast and slow, And echoes of wild strife and smell of blood, Twitching of slain men, cries of parting woe, Bruised bodies ghastly in the mountain flood; Burials and burnings, triumph with terrors blent, And ...
— Poems New and Old • John Freeman

... is that she can produce these impressions incidentally, and, as it were, unconsciously. They are so blent with her spirit, these things, that they convey themselves to one's mind indirectly and through a medium far more subtle than any ...
— Suspended Judgments - Essays on Books and Sensations • John Cowper Powys

... robes of gorgeous hue— Brown and gold with crimson blent, The forest to the waters blue Its own enchanting tints has lent. In their dark depths, life-like glowing, We see a second forest growing, Each pictur'd leaf and branch bestowing A fairy grace on that twin wood, Mirror'd within ...
— Life in the Clearings versus the Bush • Susanna Moodie

... sword-blades' tangle, and often for a space Amazed the garth of murder stared deedless on his face; Nor back nor forward moved he: but fierce Sinfiotli went Where the spears were set the thickest, and sword with sword was blent; And great was the death before him, till he slipped in the blood and fell: Then the shield-garth compassed Sigmund, and short is the tale to tell; For they bore him down unwounded, and bonds about him cast: Nor sore hurt is Sinfiotli, but ...
— The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs • William Morris

... excursions, had been occupied chiefly with uncertainties about his own course; but those uncertainties, being much at their leisure, were wont to have such wide-sweeping connections with all life and history that the new image of helpless sorrow easily blent itself with what seemed to him the strong array of reasons why he should shrink from getting into that routine of the world which makes men apologize for all its wrong-doing, and take opinions as mere professional ...
— Daniel Deronda • George Eliot

... Thenk which oon he is, And in what plyt he lyth; com of anoon; Thenk al swich taried tyd, but lost it nis! That wol ye bothe seyn, whan ye ben oon. 1740 Secoundelich, ther yet devyneth noon Up-on yow two; come of now, if ye conne; Whyl folk is blent, lo, al the ...
— Troilus and Criseyde • Geoffrey Chaucer

... among many sweet, as all the young singers, and she the youngest far, sat together by themselves, and within the congregational music of the psalm, uplifted a silvery strain that sounded like the very spirit of the whole, even like angelic harmony blent with a mortal song. But sleeping, still more sweetly sang the "Holy Child;" and then, too, in some diviner inspiration than ever was granted to it while awake, her soul composed its own hymns, and set the simple scriptural ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, Vol. 17, - Issue 479, March 5, 1831 • Various

... mien, Sometimes apart, but oft together seen. One labors on, and toils beneath his load; The other idly follows on the road. One parts the sleeping infant's rosy lips; The other veils the sun in dark eclipse. One rises on the breath of morn, with scent Of leaf and flower in fragrant incense blent; The other's wavering aspiration dies And falls where still the murky shadow lies. At hospitable boards my first attends, And greets well pleased the social group of friends; But if my second his grim face shall show, How dire the maledictions sent ...
— St. Nicholas, Vol. 5, No. 5, March, 1878 • Various

... made my insight into his inner self a constant affliction to me. But now, as I went up to him, and stood beside him in sad silence, I felt the presence of a new element that blended us as we had never been blent before. My father had been one of the most successful men in the money- getting world: he had had no sentimental sufferings, no illness. The heaviest trouble that had befallen him was the death of his first wife. But he married my mother soon after; and I remember he seemed ...
— The Lifted Veil • George Eliot

... crack. Th' amased spider, now untwin'd, Hath crept up, and her self new lin'd With fresh salt foams and mists, that blast The ambient air as they past. And now me thinks a Sphynx's wing I pluck, and do not write, but sting; With their black blood my pale inks blent, Gall's but a faint ingredient. The pol'tick toad doth now withdraw, Warn'd, higher in CAMPANIA. There wisely doth, intrenched deep, His body in a body keep, And leaves a wide and open pass T' invite the foe up to his jaws, Which there within a foggy blind With fourscore fire-arms ...
— Lucasta • Richard Lovelace

... met before, Where the Tyler guards the door, We have given the well-known sign, That has blent our souls with thine, Now this eve, thou giv'st no word, Back to our souls deep stired, For the Angel Tylers wait, At ...
— Victor Roy, A Masonic Poem • Harriet Annie Wilkins

... thick with the deep green horse tail, Equisetum fluviatile, with its fluted stem and verticillate series of linear brandies. Two other species of the same genus, Equisetum sylvaticum and Equisetum arvense, flourish on the drier parts of the moor, blent with two species of minute ferns, the moonwort and the adder's tongue,—ferns that, like the magnificent royal fern (Osmunda regalis), though on a much humbler scale, bear their seed cases on independent stems, and were much sought after of old for imaginary ...
— The Testimony of the Rocks - or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed • Hugh Miller

... great View-Tables. And the shouting rose up like to the roaring of a mighty wind of triumph, yet was it over-early to sound for victory. For the counter-force which came from the intensity of so many wills blent to one intent, was brake, and the Evil Force which came forth out of the House did draw the Youths again; so that they heeded not their salvation; but turned once again to ...
— The Night Land • William Hope Hodgson

... far; so that thou art another manner man than thou wert, and the Master of Masters maybe. To Upmeads wilt thou go; but wilt thou abide there? Upmeads is a fair land, but a narrow; one day is like another there, save when sorrow and harm is blent with it. The world is wide, and now I deem that thou holdest the glory thereof in the hollow of ...
— The Well at the World's End • William Morris

... of wrangling voices blent With liquid laughter, and with rippling calls Of piping lips and thrilling echoes ...
— The Complete Works • James Whitcomb Riley

... day which succeeded the embalmment, while the clergy were praying in suppressed voices at the several altars, a distant sound was heard, which gradually approaching nearer and nearer to the death-chamber, became ere long blent with their murmured orisons; and as they looked towards the entrance of the apartment, they saw the young King standing upon the threshold, attended by a numerous suite of Princes and nobles. Louis XIII was wrapped in a mourning cloak of ...
— The Life of Marie de Medicis, Vol. 2 (of 3) • Julia Pardoe

... his sleeve. He is the sergeant in immediate command of the firing party. Farther rearward, and close by the conical tent, and two in the uniform of officers, Uraga and his adjutant. The former is himself about to pronounce the word of command, the relentless expression upon his face, blent with a grim smile that overspreads it, leading to believe that the act of diabolical cruelty gives him gratification. Above, upon the cliff's brow, the black vultures also show signs of satisfaction. With ...
— The Lone Ranche • Captain Mayne Reid

... mysteries; I know not what might be the place, But I looked where tall cliffs cleave the skies, Toward a forest I turned my face, Where ranks of radiant rocks arise. A man might scarce believe his eyes, Such gleaming glory was from them sent; No woven web may men devise Of half such wondrous beauties blent. ...
— The Pearl • Sophie Jewett

... and eve—bird, beam, and breeze, Here blent to bless thy day; May portion of their memories Be ever round thy way! Sweet waters for the weary Bark, Through parching seas that sails; Friends may grow false and fortune ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 57, No. 351, January 1845 • Various

... the open window breathed as if from an autumnal night of the middle eighteen-fifties in a little village of northeastern Ohio. I was now going to see, for the first time, the city where so great a part of my life was then passed, and in this magical air the two epochs were blent in reciprocal association. The question of my present identity was a thing indifferent and apart; it did not matter who or where or when I was. Youth and age were at one with each other: the boy abiding in the old man, and the old man pensively willing to dwell ...
— Familiar Spanish Travels • W. D. Howells

... greatness, thou shalt wed King Edward.' And I live in the eyes that loathe me—and—and——" The Queen, as if conscience-stricken, paused aghast, kissed devoutly the relic suspended to her rosary, and continued, with such calmness that it seemed as if two women were blent in one, so startling was the contrast. "And I have had my reward, but not from the world! Even so, Harold the Earl, and Earl's son, thou lovest yon fair child, and she thee; and ye might be happy, if happiness were earth's end; but, though ...
— Harold, Complete - The Last Of The Saxon Kings • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... is Time that the coo of this ancient bird Has perished not, but is blent, or will be blending Mid visionless wilds of space with the voice that I heard, In the full-fugued song ...
— Moments of Vision • Thomas Hardy

... period that the old despotisms founded by Imperial Vicars and Captains of the People came to be supplanted or crossed by those of military adventurers, just as at a somewhat later time the Condottiere and the Pope's nominee were blent in Cesare Borgia. This is therefore the proper moment for glancing at the rise and influence of mercenary generals in Italy, before proceeding to sketch the history of the ...
— Renaissance in Italy, Volume 1 (of 7) • John Addington Symonds

... by death on death All our city perisheth. Corpses spread infection round; None to tend or mourn is found. Wailing on the altar stair Wives and grandams rend the air— Long-drawn moans and piercing cries Blent with prayers and litanies. Golden child of Zeus, O hear Let ...
— The Oedipus Trilogy • Sophocles

... fences hurry by Blent in greenish-rosy flight, And the yellow carriage-light Blurs ...
— Poems of Paul Verlaine • Paul Verlaine

... all around This homestead glad and bright, Which seemed peculiarly endowed With heaven's blent ...
— Home Lyrics • Hannah. S. Battersby

... Fears" is an examination, in which whimsicality is blent with deep seriousness, of the night terrors of imaginative childhood; Elia showed how a picture in an old time Bible history had shaped his fears and made his nights hideous for several years of his early childhood, though he holds that "It is not book, or picture, or ...
— Charles Lamb • Walter Jerrold

... thought there was nothing in it but redundance and luxury; they exaggerated these into coarseness, while they threw away the exquisite subtilty of form, delicacy of texture, and sweetness of colour, which, blent with the richness which the true garden rose shares with many other flowers, yet makes it the queen of them all—the flower of flowers. Indeed, the worst of this is that these sham roses are driving the real ones out of existence. If we do not look to it our descendants will ...
— Hopes and Fears for Art • William Morris

... the Prease and dwell with soothfastness, Suffice unto thy good, tho it be small, For horde hath, and climbing tickleness, Prease hath Envy, and wele is blent ore all; Savour no more then thee behove shall, Rede wele thy self that other folk canst rede, And trouth thee shall deliver ...
— Essays on the Stage • Thomas D'Urfey and Bossuet

... limb, Rudely Nature molded him. Awkward form and homely face, Owing naught to outward grace; Yet, behind the rugged mien Were a mind and soul serene, And in deep-set eyes there shone Genius that was all his own. Humor quaint with pathos blent To his speech attraction lent; Telling phrase and homely quip Falling lightly from his lip. Eloquent of tongue, and clear, Logical, devoid of fear, Making plain whate'er was dense By the light ...
— The Poets' Lincoln - Tributes in Verse to the Martyred President • Various

... the mystic spell That bound him to the Past was rent; The vivid lightning, forked and red, Flashed through the broken casement, blent With the loud thunder's awful roar, Prolonged and echoing o'er and o'er. The warring of the world without Offended not the struggling heart; Roused from the apathy of thought He sought the casement with a ...
— Graham's Magazine Vol XXXII No. 6 June 1848 • Various

... and solve by that descent This mystery of life; Where good and ill, together blent, Wage an undying strife." J. ...
— John the Baptist • F. B. Meyer

... face which atoned for lack of regular features by the bright intelligence and the warmth of heart that shone in its smile of greeting. A fair broad forehead lay above well-arched brows; the eyes below were large and shrewdly observant, with laughter and kindness blent in their dark depths. The cheeks were warm with health; the lips and chin were strong, yet marked with refinement; they told of independence, of fervid instincts; perhaps of a temper a little apt to be impatient. It was not an imaginative countenance, yet alive with thought and feeling—all, ...
— Thyrza • George Gissing

... I know, Are in my being blent, And good or ill may flow From mine environment; And yet the ill, laid low, May better the event; Careless lilies, happy ye! But careless ...
— Men of the Bible; Some Lesser-Known Characters • George Milligan, J. G. Greenhough, Alfred Rowland, Walter F.

... merely equally indifferent to all. Nothing can be more absurd than to oppose the love of country to the love of race. The latter exists but as a wider diffusion of the former. Do we not know that human nature, in its absolute perfection, and blent with the absolute and infinite perfection of Deity, indulged in the love of country? The Saviour, when He took to Himself a human heart, wept over the city of His fathers. Now, it is well that this spirit should be fostered, not in ...
— Leading Articles on Various Subjects • Hugh Miller

... fear, But steered her course with quiet mien, And the stately grace of a maiden Queen. Then rose beneath the moon's full rays Glad voices, blent in love and praise, Till, sudden as arrow from the bow, Flashed 'mid the rapid's dark, swift flow Another bark—it held—oh grief! Tolonga, ...
— The Poetical Works of Mrs. Leprohon (Mrs. R.E. Mullins) • Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon

... he asked, and in his voice was blent all the exultation, and the wonder, and the piercing ...
— The Hermit of Far End • Margaret Pedler

... prayer, The saving rite, the sacrifice of love, The human tear, the sigh of Saints above, Blent in one ...
— Purgatory • Mary Anne Madden Sadlier

... develop new and distinctive types of life and character. Though Cape Colony is nearly as old as Massachusetts or Virginia, it has been less than a century under British rule, and the two diverse elements in its population have not yet become blent into any one type that can be said to belong to the people as a whole. One must therefore describe these elements separately. The Dutch are almost all country folk, and the country folk are (in Cape Colony) mostly Dutch. Some, especially near Cape Town, are agriculturists, ...
— Impressions of South Africa • James Bryce

... smell of the mould. Sweeter than the musky scent Of the garden's manifold Perfumes into perfect blent. Lights and sounds and odours stole, In the golden, golden weather— Heart and thought, and life and soul, Stole away, In that merry, merry May, Wandering ...
— The Coming of the Princess and Other Poems • Kate Seymour Maclean

... high hills raise their heather-crown'd crest, Peerless Edina expands her white breast, Beauty and grandeur are blent in the scene, Bonnie Bonaly lies smiling between; Nature and Art, like fair twins, wander gaily; Friendship and love dwell ...
— The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume V. - The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century • Various

... man of high-wrought strain, fastidious In his acceptance, dreading all delight That speedy dies and turns to carrion. . . . . . . A nature half-transformed, with qualities That oft bewrayed each other, elements Not blent but struggling, breeding strange effects. . . . . . A spirit framed Too proudly special for obedience, Too subtly pondering for mastery: Born of a goddess with a mortal sire; Heir of flesh-fettered weak divinity. . . . A nature quiveringly poised In reach of storms, whose ...
— The Ethics of George Eliot's Works • John Crombie Brown

... with the subtleties of a sea evening. A few dim sails drifted along the darkening, fir-clad harbor shores. A bell was ringing from the tower of a little white church on the far side; mellowly and dreamily sweet, the chime floated across the water blent with the moan of the sea. The great revolving light on the cliff at the channel flashed warm and golden against the clear northern sky, a trembling, quivering star of good hope. Far out along the horizon was the crinkled gray ribbon of ...
— Anne's House of Dreams • Lucy Maud Montgomery

... have sprung in radiance hence; Their trace yet lights the dust where thou art sleeping. A solemn joy comes o'er me, and a sense Of triumph blent with ...
— Twenty-Seven Years in Canada West - The Experience of an Early Settler (Volume I) • Samuel Strickland

... until Nelly could be summoned, I followed the mildly disapproving boy up a great, white stairway, past groups of girls, some in bright silk waists and some in college gowns. Even in the farthest corner remote from the hubbub, a musical echo blent of gay talk and laughter filled the air; a light body of sound that the walls held and gave out as a ...
— The Bacillus of Beauty - A Romance of To-day • Harriet Stark

... was the joy of the innocent, mirthful childhood, blent with the laughter of waves and the call of glad winds. Then it held the wild, wayward dreams of youth, sweet and pure in all their wildness and waywardness. They were followed by a rapture of young love—all-surrendering, all-sacrificing love. The music changed. It held the torture of ...
— Chronicles of Avonlea • Lucy Maud Montgomery

... the beacon fires the hills around. All eyes are eager bent Across the sea, To cheer the night, a hundred voices blent To chase the gloomy hours with mirthful glee; Till shouts of "ship ahoy!" ...
— Rowena & Harold - A Romance in Rhyme of an Olden Time, of Hastyngs and Normanhurst • Wm. Stephen Pryer

... the huge gloom with golden shaft, Then haled on high the volumed blot, To build the hurling palace, cleave The dazzling chasm; the flying nests, The many glory-garlands weave, Whose presence not our sight attests Till wonder with the splendour blent, And passion for the beauty flown, Make evanescence permanent, The thing at heart our ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... instantly conscious of the delicate perfume that pervaded the apartment, and, for the matter of that, the whole house. It was a combination of all the delightful Eastern smells—not sandalwood only, nor teak, nor couscous, but all these odors and a hundred others blent in one. Yet it was not heavy nor overpowering, but delightfully faint and sweet, diffused through those ample rooms. There was good reason, indeed, for the children of the generation to which my wife belonged to speak of the generous relative whom they had never seen as "Our Aromatic ...
— Short Stories for English Courses • Various (Rosa M. R. Mikels ed.)

... two-and-forty Windows of the Ecole Militaire, and made them all of burnished gold,—saw he on his wide zodiac road other such sight? A living garden spotted and dotted with such flowerage; all colours of the prism; the beautifullest blent friendly with the usefullest; all growing and working brotherlike there, under one warm feeling, were it but for days; once and no second time! But Night is sinking; these Nights too, into Eternity. The hastiest Traveller Versailles-ward ...
— The French Revolution • Thomas Carlyle

... land, a sodden plain, A lurid sunset sky, With clouds that fled and faded fast In ghostly phantasy; A field upturned by trampling feet, A field uppiled with slain, With horse and rider blent in death Upon ...
— McGuffey's Fourth Eclectic Reader • William Holmes McGuffey

... me, if sure of this, Blent with each ill would come such bliss That I might covet pain, And deem whatever brought to me The loving thought of Deity, And sense of Christ's sweet sympathy, No loss, but ...
— Poems with Power to Strengthen the Soul • Various

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