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Avis  n.  Advice; opinion; deliberation. (Obs.)

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"Avis" Quotes from Famous Books

... John L. Ames and Doctor Davis D. Brough, want pay for their services in saving the life of Clarence V. T. Richeson, that he might die in the electric chair for the murder of Avis Linnell. The surgeons have filed suit against the estate of Fred H. Seavey, who was sheriff at the time Richeson mutilated himself, and the doctors were called in. This is the second attempt to collect the bill which ...
— Owen Clancy's Happy Trail - or, The Motor Wizard in California • Burt L. Standish

... by her hospitable friend, Ingred presently found herself sitting on a seat in the front garden of a tall boarding-house facing the sea, and while Egbert and Hereward discussed motor-cycling with Avis's father, the two girls enjoyed a confidential ...
— A Popular Schoolgirl • Angela Brazil

... him, unusually gracious, Gurley extended his hand to Claud; ushered him into the house; formally introduced him to his wife, an ordinary, abject-looking woman; and then to his daughter, the fair, dark-eyed, tall, shapely, and every way magnificent Avis Gurley, the girl who had so long, but unwittingly, been the object of the young ...
— Gaut Gurley • D. P. Thompson

... relevees par les voyageurs venus apres lui. Bartels (Briefe ueber Kalabrien und Sicilien, 2te Auflage, 3 Bd., 8vo., Goetting. 1791-92) est meme persuade que le voyage au sommet de l'Etna, chef-d'oeuvre de narration, n'est qu'un roman, et cet avis est partage ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 231, April 1, 1854 • Various

... this odd fancy. That girl is a 'rara avis' such as has never flown across my path before. I shall have a quarrel with nature all my life if I must believe she can fashion a face capable of meaning so much and yet actually meaning so little, and that ...
— A Face Illumined • E. P. Roe

... remained with us two days, off and on, but left for good on the third, when we reached away from Avis Island, to which, maybe, it was bound. Coming as it did from the east, and flying west toward the island when it left, bore out the idea of the lay of sweet singer ...
— Voyage of the Liberdade • Captain Joshua Slocum

... parmi des fautes innombrables, Je n'en connais que deux considrables, Et dont je fais ma dclaration, C'est l'entreprise et l'excution; A mon avis fautes irrparables ...
— Literary Blunders • Henry B. Wheatley

... the meeting referred to in this poem were Avis Keene, whose very presence was a benediction, a woman lovely in spirit and person, whose words seemed a message of love and tender concern to her hearers; and Sibyl Jones, whose inspired eloquence and rare spirituality impressed all who knew her. ...
— The Complete Works of Whittier - The Standard Library Edition with a linked Index • John Greenleaf Whittier

... happy, either from his natural disposition, or his good judgment, constantly to observe St. Paul's precept, 'to speak evil of no one' will certainly acquire the love and esteem of the whole community of which he is a member. But such a man is the rara avis in terris; and, among all my acquaintance, I have known only one person to whom I can with truth assign this character. The person I mean is the present Lord Pitsligo of Scotland. I not only never ...
— Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers and Other Poems • W.E. Aytoun

... story. Avis, Avise, or Avice, (they pronounce it Arris,) is a real breathing person. Her home is not more than an hour and a half's space from the palaces of the great ladies who might like to look at her. They may see her and the ...
— The Atlantic Monthly , Volume 2, No. 14, December 1858 • Various

... all her war paint is somewhat of a rara avis in a quiet country house, and this professional beauty was the acknowledged queen of her tribe. Her hair shone like gold, and it had been dressed by a maid who had acquired her art at the hands of a famous Parisian coiffeur; ...
— Nell, of Shorne Mills - or, One Heart's Burden • Charles Garvice

... to them counselling submission to France. After his surrender in 1847 he devoted himself anew to theology and philosophy, and composed a philosophical treatise, of which a French translation was published in 1858 under the title of Rappel a l'intelligent. Avis a l'indifferent. He also wrote a book on the Arab horse. He died at Damascus on the 26th ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

... of the coast-line of Greece and the poverty of her inhabitants, this would be incredible, were it not attested by the Allies' Naval Commander-in-Chief, whose task it was to verify every report transmitted to him: "Jamais un seul de ses avis n'a ete reconnu exact; la plupart etaient visiblement absurdes." "Malgre les verifications les plus repetees jamais un seul de ces avis n'a ete reconnu exact. Un certain nombre de coquins, incompetents mais malins, vivaient du commerce de ces fausses nouvelles."—Du ...
— Greece and the Allies 1914-1922 • G. F. Abbott

... and fought in the battle of Marengo) was posted; here he called loudly for some brandy, for which he got laughed at by the whole line of guard; he then sallied forth and proceeded a short distance, when his horse took fright, and as St. Jean was, as our landlord told us, "entierement du meme avis avec son cheval," they both set off as fast as they could, and were in a few minutes far beyond all danger, nor did they appear again amid the din of arms. The fate of Paris was decided with a rapidity and sang-froid quite astonishing. By 5 o'clock in the Evening all was entirely at an ...
— Before and after Waterloo - Letters from Edward Stanley, sometime Bishop of Norwich (1802;1814;1814) • Edward Stanley

... gold, the wild land was giving up its treasure to them. Already the catch of furs totaled ninety marten, a few mink, a dozen wolves—and two pelts of that rara avis, the silver fox. Around twelve hundred dollars, Bill estimated, with four months yet to trap. And the labor of tending the trap lines, of skinning and stretching the catch, served to keep them both occupied—Hazel ...
— North of Fifty-Three • Bertrand W. Sinclair

... himself makes a sharp lunge on the Government. 'Take care of yourself. When hawks and nightingales fly together the hawk may escape, and the nightingale complain of the barbarity of kings, in a cage: 'flebiliter gemens infelix avis.''" ...
— The Parisians, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... in different parts of Belgium could not hold reunions. But at mass I saw a Belgian standard in the centre of the church. That flag was proscribed, but the priests knew it was safe in that sacred place and the worshippers might feast their eyes on it as they said their avis. ...
— My Year of the War • Frederick Palmer

... as an impious writer, and drew his conclusions from the "Avis aux Refugies." This work is written against the Calvinists, and therefore becomes impious in Holland. Bayle might have exculpated himself with facility, by declaring the work was composed by La Roque; but he preferred to be persecuted rather than ...
— Curiosities of Literature, Vol. II (of 3) - Edited, With Memoir And Notes, By His Son, The Earl Of Beaconsfield • Isaac D'Israeli

... produce whatever theories are advantageous to them. According to certain tenuous evidences in the air it seems that a new theory is being produced according to which the honor of birth relationship with the God-elected Sanhedrin is extended to America and ... Japan. AVIS A L'ANGLETERRE!...)] ...
— The History of a Lie - 'The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion' • Herman Bernstein

... "That's the first Indian's said 'Thank you' in this office," he said. "You tell the Agent you've brought him a rara avis." ...
— Ramona • Helen Hunt Jackson

... hereditary dominions, because he would have a tyranny established in the Netherlands. But all that he lost in Germany, in the Netherlands, and in Britain was compensated by his easy conquest of Portugal after the extinction of the House of Avis. The Portugal of those times was a very different country from the Portugal of these times. It was not only Portugal and the Algarves that Philip added to the dominions of Spain,—and that alone would have been a great thing, for it would have perfected the Spanish rule of the ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. IX., March, 1862., No. LIII. - A Magazine Of Literature, Art, And Politics, • Various

... personne au milieu d'un banquet, Ne vous vienne donner un avis indiscret, Ecartez ce facheux qui vers vous s'achemine, Rien ne doit ...
— Pelham, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... religione priorum Clara, Caledonias panditur inter aquas. Voce ubi Cennethus populos domuisse feroces Dicitur, et vanos dedocuisse deos. Huc ego delatus placido per caerulea cursu, Scire locus volui quid daret iste novi. Illic Leniades humili regnabat in aula, Leniades, magnis nobilitatus avis. Una duas cepit casa cum genitore puellas, Quas amor undarum crederet esse deas. Nec tamen inculti gelidis latuere sub antris, Accola Danubii qualia saevus habet. Mollia non desunt vacuae solatia vitae, Sive libros poscant otia, sive lyram. Fulserat ilia dies, legis qua ...
— Dr. Johnson's Works: Life, Poems, and Tales, Volume 1 - The Works Of Samuel Johnson, Ll.D., In Nine Volumes • Samuel Johnson

... vous donnerai un avis: c'est que, si vous tardez davantage, le Gianetto sera dans le maquis, et alors il faudra plus d'un luron comme ...
— Quatre contes de Prosper Mrime • F. C. L. Van Steenderen

... mother was of the royal house of Castille. Portugal is not even of second rank now, and the Bragancas are not in the first rank of royal families. But in the fifteenth century Portugal stood relatively and positively very high, and the house of Avis was above the house of Austria, though a king of Portugal was necessarily inferior to the head of the Holy Roman Empire. This marriage did not advance the fortunes of the Austrian family, though it connected them with three other great families,—the reigning houses of ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 110, December, 1866 - A Magazine of Literature, Science, Art, and Politics • Various

... regulation, which was borrowed from an early ordinance of Harvard under President Dunster. 'Every student shall be called by his surname, except he be the son of a nobleman, or a knight's eldest son.' I know not whether such a 'rara avis in terris' ever received the honors of the College; but a kind of colonial, untitled aristocracy grew up, composed of the families of chief magistrates, and of other civilians and ministers. In the second year of college ...
— A Collection of College Words and Customs • Benjamin Homer Hall

... novelty of the thing, and watched with interest the anxious housewives who flocked in demanding that rara avis, an angel at nine shillings a week; and not finding it, bewailed the degeneracy of the times. Being too honest to profess herself absolutely perfect in every known branch of house-work, it was some time before she suited herself. Meanwhile, she was questioned ...
— Work: A Story of Experience • Louisa May Alcott

... sure," the girl continued, "that I—that Margaret, I should say,—would not object in the least to your seeing the gardens, since they interest you so tremendously. I'm Avis Beechinor, you know,—Miss Hugonin's cousin. So, if you like, we will consider that a proper introduction, Mr. Townsend, and I will show you the gardens, if—if you really care to ...
— The Cords of Vanity • James Branch Cabell et al

... interpretation of these things, Mr. Bissonette immediately rode up to me, and urgently advised that I should entirely abandon the further prosecution of my exploration. "Le meilleure avis que je pourrais vous donner c'est de virer de suite." "The best advice I can give you, is to turn back at once." It was his own intention to return, as we had now reached the point to which he had engaged to attend me. In reply, I called up my men, and communicated to them fully the information ...
— The Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California • Brevet Col. J.C. Fremont

... with a's and thoughtfully read aloud, "Abigail, Achsa, Ada, Adaline, Addie, Adela, Adelaide, Adora, Agatha, Agnes, Alethea, Alexandra, Alice, Almeda, Amanda, Amarilla, Amy, Angeline, Anna, Annabel, Antoinette, Augusta, Aurelia, Aurora, Avis,—that ...
— Heart of Gold • Ruth Alberta Brown

... des fautes innombrables, Je n'en connois que deux considerables, Et dont je fais ma declaration, C'est l'entreprise et l'execution, A mon avis fautes irreparables, En ...
— Ebrietatis Encomium - or, the Praise of Drunkenness • Boniface Oinophilus

... the year 1804 it was proposed at Avignon, to erect an obelisk in memory of Petrarch, at Vaucluse: "il a ete decide, qu'on l'elevera, vis-avis l'ancien jardin de Petrache, lieu ou le lit de sorgue forme ...
— On the Portraits of English Authors on Gardening, • Samuel Felton

... using him after they had caught him, he does not by any means appear to have been a native of Arabia Felix, the Editor has left the proprietors to treat with Mr. Polito, and refused to receive this rara avis, or black swan, into the present collection. One exception occurs, in which the admirable treatment of this feathered incombustible entitles the author to great praise: that Address has been preserved, and in the ensuing pages takes the lead, to ...
— Rejected Addresses: or, The New Theatrum Poetarum • James and Horace Smith

... murmured under her breath. "Miss Avis isn't here. Oh, how can they be so glad? How can they ...
— Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1905 to 1906 • Lucy Maud Montgomery

... AVIS, a New England girl, heroine of The Story of Avis, by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps-Ward. She is forced by genius to be an artist, and through her art loses hope of domestic ...
— Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol 1 - A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook • The Rev. E. Cobham Brewer, LL.D.

... off the daughter to her pretty home on the Battery, where sea-breezes tempered the Southern sun. Clancy aided the father satisfactorily in business ways, and the daughter found him so agreeable socially as to manifest a wish to see him often. She interested him as a "rara avis" which he felt that he would like to understand better, and he would have been less than a man if not fascinated by her beauty, accomplishments and intelligence. Miss Ainsley could not fail to charm the eyes of sense as well, ...
— The Earth Trembled • E.P. Roe

... soldats armes furent envoyes a son bord a neuf heures du soir; je les fis retirer le lendemain; ce dernier acte du President qui des lors commenca a ne plus garder aucuns menagemens avec moi, faisant incarcerer un des mes nationaux sans m'en donner avis ainsi que des motifs qui l'y portoient; le pavilion du Roi place au dessus de l'Ecusson de France, que je trouvai lacere, me firent prevoir que je n'avois plus rien a attendre de ...
— Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil, - from Spanish and Portuguese Domination, Volume 2 • Thomas Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald

... desiring attendance at his house instantaneously, on an occasion of vast importance. "Gentlemen," said he to his assembled visitants, "I may now boast possession of that whicli will astonish the universe—a horned cock! behold the rara avis, and envy my felicity!" So saying, he uncovered a wicker basket, when lo! the bird, shorn of its honours! indignant at confinement, and struggling for freedom, had dropped its waxen antlers! The unfortunate virtuoso stood aghast ...
— Real Life In London, Volumes I. and II. • Pierce Egan

... Southampton Row. We have not the pleasure of being personally acquainted with Joseph Ashman, and we fear that the loss is ours. Judging him through the medium of his book, he must, indeed, be a rara avis.... The one great thing," it went on to say, "that Joseph Ashman wants the world to know is, that he cures disease by very simple means. And all that the world wants to know from Joseph Ashman is, Are these cures real—are his statements facts? Why, ...
— Mystic London: - or, Phases of occult life in the metropolis • Charles Maurice Davies

... It contained 283 pages of text, 15 pages d'avis au lecteur, 2 portraits, 13 hors testes on blue paper, 43 erotic illustrations in the text, and at the end of the book about ten pages of errata with an index and a ...
— The Life of Sir Richard Burton • Thomas Wright

... frozen coast—being common, indeed, through all the regions of the Arctic Circle. It is numerous on the shores of Hudson's Bay, in Norway, Sweden, and Lapland—but in the temperate parts of Europe and America "rara avis in terris, nigroque ...
— Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2 • John Wilson

... nostram Davidis carmina linguam, Et numeros magna reddidit arte pares. Non morietur opus tersum, spectabile sacrum, Clarior hac fama parte Viattus erit. Una dies geminos Phoenices non dedit orbi, Mors erit unius, vita sed alterius. Rara avis in terris confectus morte Viattus, Houerdum haeredem scripserat ante suum. Dicere nemo potest recte periisse Viattum, ...
— The Lives of the Most Famous English Poets (1687) • William Winstanley

... may be spared the reader ], et lui marquer qu'on avait lieu desperer que Sa Majeste Prussienne ne refuserait pas au moins de s'expliquer un peu plus en detail qu'elle n'a fait jusqu'ici. Qu'en attendant les suites que cette negociation pourrait avoir, Sa Majeste etait d'avis que le Prince ferait bien de differer un peu l'execution de son dessein connu: Que la situation ou les affaires de l'Europe se trouvaient dans ce moment critique ne paraissait pas propre a l'execution d'un dessein de cette nature: Que pour ...
— History of Friedrich II of Prussia V 7 • Thomas Carlyle

... it is with people, Avis; some take to zoology, and some take to religion. That's the way it is with places. It may be the Lancers, and it may be prayer-meetings. Once I went to see my grandmother in the country, and everybody had a candy-pull; there were twenty-five candy-pulls and taffy-bakes ...
— The Wit of Women - Fourth Edition • Kate Sanborn

... men's shapes, alter and turn themselves and others into several forms, at their pleasures. [1268]Agaberta, a famous witch in Lapland, would do as much publicly to all spectators, Modo Pusilla, modo anus, modo procera ut quercus, modo vacca, avis, coluber, &c. Now young, now old, high, low, like a cow, like a bird, a snake, and what not? She could represent to others what forms they most desired to see, show them friends absent, reveal secrets, maxima omnium admiratione, &c. And yet for all this ...
— The Anatomy of Melancholy • Democritus Junior

... one of the splendid new houses on Chestnut Street, with spacious grounds before the houses grew so close together. Avis Manning was still in school, Cynthia was between the two in age. Mr. Manning was connected with the East India trade and an old friend of the Leverett family. It had begun by Cynthia being invited to a girls' tea, ...
— A Little Girl in Old Salem • Amanda Minnie Douglas

... columba potens, sanguine pasta cui cedit avis, tu niveus per ovile tuum agnus hiare lupum prohibes, sub iuga tigridis ...
— The Hymns of Prudentius • Aurelius Clemens Prudentius

... theatre, Chacun en liberte l'y blame ou idolatre; La, sans que mes amis prechent leurs sentimens, J'arrache quelquefois leurs applaudissemens; La, content da succes que le merite donne, Par d'illustres avis je n'eblouis personne; Je satisfais ensemble et peuple et courtisans; Et mes vers en tous lieux sent mes seuls partisans; Par leur seule beaute ma plume est estimee; Je ne dois qu'a moi seul toute ma renommee; Et pense toutefois n'avoir ...
— Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3) • Isaac D'Israeli

... you will consult your recollections of the habits of wild-fowl you will see that this particular specimen was a RARA AVIS. It's an old trick, Petrie, but a good one, for it is used in decoying. A dacoit's head was concealed in that wild-fowl! It's useless. He has certainly made good his escape ...
— The Insidious Dr. Fu-Manchu • Sax Rohmer

... que le savant Anglois l'approuveroit en tout, et admireroit la profondeur de genie qui avoit fait deviner tous ces avantages a un Francois. Mais M. Gibbon, instruit par l'experience des inconveniens d'un gouvernement populaire, ne fut point du tout de son avis, et il prit genereusement la defense du gouvernement monarchique. L'Abbe voulut le convaincre par Tite Live, et par quelques argumens tires de Plutarque en faveur des Spartiates. M. Gibbon, doue de la memoire la plus heureuse, et ayant tous les faits presens ...
— Memoirs of My Life and Writings • Edward Gibbon

... floors, well frotte every morning, and the rather set-out style of the rooms, all make a house look French. The business of the law-courts and the newspapers are also in French, with only here and there a column of English. The notifications of distances, the weights and measures, the "avis aux voyageurs," the finger-posts, wayside bills, signs on shop-fronts, are all in French. When by any chance the owner of a shop breaks out into an English notification of his wares—and it is generally ...
— Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 22. October, 1878. • Various

... o'clock. The enthusiastic amateur was not slow in availing himself of his artist friend's card and advice. But on reaching his destination he was met in the anteroom by a male servant—"an article of luxury in Paris, a rarissima avis in the house of an artist," observes Lenz—who informed him that Chopin was not in town. The visitor, however, was not to be put off in this way, and insisted that the card should be taken in to Chopin. Fortune favours ...
— Frederick Chopin as a Man and Musician - Volume 1-2, Complete • Frederick Niecks

... rose of June, who picks bugs from potato vines, singing chansons meanwhile and who is so good to his wife that he does a large share of the incubation, and takes largely upon himself the care of their children is surely a "rara avis" and worth having for a friend. He is a typical bird of June. His color matches the June roses, his songs are full and sweet and rich as the June days, and the eggs of his soberly dressed spouse are usually laid and hatched in June. There is a nest ...
— Some Spring Days in Iowa • Frederick John Lazell

... for it but to accept the resignation, and to begin once more the weary search for that rara avis, "a good plain cook." ...
— We Two • Edna Lyall

... transformed into a young heifer: while Argus (his luck being such) was slaine sleeping, but the Goddess Juno so provided that all his eyes (whatsoever became of his carkasse) should be placed on the pecock's taile; wherupon (sithence it came to passe) the pecock is called Avis Junonia, or Lady Juno Birde. This historic is notable, but yet the former (in mine opinion) is ...
— Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern, Vol. 1 • Charles Dudley Warner

... own presumptuous ignorance; to the voluptuary devoted to his pleasures; or to the wily reasoner, who, disingenuous with himself, has a peculiar spontaneity to form illusions to his mind. Blessed, however, with a heart, gifted with a mind such as described, man will surely discover this rara avis: thus constituted, the attentive philosopher, the geometrician, the moralist, the politician, the theologian himself, when he shall sincerely seek truth, will find that the corner-stone which serves for the foundation ...
— The System of Nature, Vol. 2 • Baron D'Holbach

... Only—you are such a queer fellow!" says Hardinge, sitting up again to look at him. "You are a rara avis, do you know? No, of course you don't! You are one of the few people who don't know their own worth. I don't believe, Curzon, though I should live to be a thousand, that I shall ever ...
— A Little Rebel • Mrs. Hungerford

... or that the matter was of less consequence when once Charles had resolved to go on with the marriage without waiting further for the dispensation. So I understand Charles's words to Ferralz (Aug. 24, 1572): "J'ai aussi sceu par vostre dicte memoire, que par l'avis de mon cousin le cardinal de Ferrare, vous avez retenu le diamant que je vous avois envoye pour le donner de ma part au cardinal Alexandrin, puisque mon dict cousin et mes autres ministres trouvent que le don seroit ...
— History of the Rise of the Huguenots - Volume 2 • Henry Baird

... is in the Fine Rolls of John's reign, and John Idonyesone occurs there, temp. Edward I. Pim, as a female font-name, may be from Euphemia, and Siddons appears to belong to Sidonia, while the pretty name Avice appears as Avis and Haweis. From Lettice, Lat. laetitia, joy, we have Letts, Lettson, while the corresponding Joyce, Lat. jocosa, merry, has become confused with Fr. Josse (Chapter I). Anstey, Antis, is from Anastasia, Precious from Preciosa, ...
— The Romance of Names • Ernest Weekley

... US: chief of mission: Ambassador Avis T. BOHLEN embassy: 1 Saborna Street, Sofia mailing address: American Embassy Sofia, Department of State, ...
— The 1999 CIA Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... part of the evening pleasure of the literary wing was to "place" authors. They were willing to swallow the British authors whole (they did in fact "discover" one or two of them, as the musical critics had discovered such a rara avis as Tetrazzini, or the dramatic critics many a now famous player); but they were excessively critical of all who owed their origin to the United States of America, and particularly of those who had loved and lost the sovereign state ...
— The Sisters-In-Law • Gertrude Atherton

... told him everything that had passed, as above recited. His features were immediately unbended, and the transition was so affecting, that he wept with joy, calling my Lord Strutwell by the appellations of Jewel, Phoenix, Rara avis; and praising God, that there was still some virtue left among our nobility. Our mutual congratulations being over, we gave way to our imagination, and anticipated our happiness by prosecuting our success through ...
— The Adventures of Roderick Random • Tobias Smollett

... universal as his own genius." It would appear that the son, to whom the collection latterly belonged, was gracious in the extreme in the loan of books; and that, in consequence, a public advertisement was inserted at the foot of the "Avis preliminaire," to entreat those, who had profited by such kindness, to return their borrowed (shall I say stolen?) goods? For want of these volumes, many sets of books were miserably defective.——ANONYMIANA. Catalogus ...
— Bibliomania; or Book-Madness - A Bibliographical Romance • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... priceless gift of the gods. He is so highly prized that when found he is never promoted, nor is he allowed to resign. If he is dissatisfied with his pay, Captain, Lieutenant and Colonel chip in—they cannot afford to lose him. He is a rara avis—the apple of their eye. ...
— Love, Life & Work • Elbert Hubbard

... more of word-chasing to enjoy this. "Oiseau," as you know, comes from "avis;" but it had at this time got "oisel" for its singular number, of which the terminating "sel" confused itself with the "selle," from "ancilla" in domisella and demoiselle; and the feminine form "oiselle" thus snatched for itself some of the delightfulness ...
— Love's Meinie - Three Lectures on Greek and English Birds • John Ruskin

... disturbance, I assure you. But is Avis present? I should like to thank her for the great pleasure ...
— Daybreak: A Romance of an Old World • James Cowan

... too, that in those evil days (for I am not one who can think this age as "pejor avis") boys used to go, on their Monday mornings' return from the weekly holiday, out of their way to see the wretches hanging at Newgate; that the scenes of cruelty to animals in Smithfield were terrible; that books of the vilest character were circulated ...
— My Life as an Author • Martin Farquhar Tupper

... close relation of three of the finest public men then living, Champernoun, Gilbert, and Carew. That he is a friend of Sidney, a pet of Leicester; that he has left behind him at Oxford, and brought with him from Ireland, the reputation of being a rara avis, a new star in the firmament; that he had been a soldier in her Majesty's service (and in one in which she has a peculiar private interest) for twelve years; that he has held her commission as one of the triumvirate for governing Munster, and has been the commander of the garrison at Cork; ...
— Sir Walter Raleigh and his Time from - "Plays and Puritans and Other Historical Essays" • Charles Kingsley

... of the automobile factories utilize in the main the same equipment as other machinery manufacturing plants, but specialization has been carried to a degree found in few other metal industries. The "all-round" workman is a rara avis. The machine shops are manned by machine "specialists" most of whom know how to operate a single machine tool or perform a single operation made up of relatively simple elements. From one-half to two-thirds of the working force is recruited from immigrant ...
— Wage Earning and Education • R. R. Lutz

... rara avis, an exception to the general rule,' said Elizabeth; 'but you know, she or my uncle, or aunt, or Papa, are generally forced to put a lock on their understanding. Why, Anne, ...
— Abbeychurch - or, Self-Control and Self-Conceit • Charlotte M. Yonge

... Captain Avis, the kindly jailer, was ordered to bring his prisoners into Court. He found old Brown in bed, pretending to be ill. He refused to rise. He was determined to get the effect of an arraignment of his prostrate body in the court room. He had foreseen the effect ...
— The Man in Gray • Thomas Dixon

... among, That she carol upon a song, When I it hear, I am so fed, That I am from myself so led As though I were in Paradise; For, certes, as to mine avis,[5] When I hear of her voice the steven,[6] Methink'th it ...
— Specimens with Memoirs of the Less-known British Poets, Complete • George Gilfillan

... was the invention of an arithmetical machine, chiefly prompted by a desire to assist his father in his official duties at Rouen. He has given us no description of this machine from his own pen. In the “Avis” addressed to all whose curiosity was excited by it, he excuses himself from this task by the natural remark that such a description would be useless without entering into a number of technical details ...
— Pascal • John Tulloch

... Its History, Varieties, Management, and Breeding, with Coloured Frontispiece. By RICHARD AVIS. Contains, History of the Canary, Varieties of the Canary, Food and General Management, Cages, Breeding, Education of ...
— Country Walks of a Naturalist with His Children • W. Houghton

... ... declara, en plein conseil, que ce n'etait qu'en donnant l'assaut qu'on obtiendrait la place: cet avis parut hardi; on lui opposa mille raisons, auxquelles il repondit par de meilleures." —Hist. de la ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 6 • Lord Byron

... donner avis que, pour vous procurer des facilites dans les echanges de livres, entre les Etats-Unis et la France, et conformement a la demande que vous m'en avez faite, j'ai prevenu M. le commissaire general, chef de la marine au Havre, que je vous autorisais ...
— Movement of the International Literary Exchanges, between France and North America from January 1845 to May, 1846 • Various

... conseil cam the lord, The thinges stoden of record, He sende up for the lady sone, And forth sche cam, that olde Mone. In presence of the remenant The strengthe of al the covenant Tho was reherced openly, And to Florent sche bad forthi That he schal tellen his avis, As he that woot what is the pris. 1640 Florent seith al that evere he couthe, Bot such word cam ther non to mowthe, That he for yifte or for beheste Mihte eny wise his deth areste. And thus he tarieth longe ...
— Confessio Amantis - Tales of the Seven Deadly Sins, 1330-1408 A.D. • John Gower

... quidquid felicibus Indis Nascitur, Eoi qua maris unda rubet. 16 Vota cadunt: utinam strepitantibus advolet alis Flavaque coniugio vincula portet Amor, Vincula, quae maneant semper, dum tarda senectus Inducat rugas inficiatque comas. 20 Hic veniat natalis avis prolemque ministret, Ludat et ante ...
— Helps to Latin Translation at Sight • Edmund Luce

... gathered that there was anything remarkable—save and except the enormous carpet-bag aforesaid, about which its owner seemed as solicitous as the traveller in Rob Roy. A stranger was, at the period we are describing, a rara avis in terris indeed at Lanport; and it may be conceived that the news of this arrival was discussed round every hearth in the place within half an hour at the utmost. Mrs. Teague is recorded to have advanced to the door with unwonted rapidity (bearing in mind ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, No. 579 - Volume 20, No. 579, December 8, 1832 • Various

... a few more statements of this nature, and I think he enjoyed his little fling at that, for him, relatively speaking, since the war began, rara avis, a genuine Englishman (Teutonic construction); I certainly relished it. Then I ...
— Alone • Norman Douglas

... overseeing the installation of a receptor, when his earplug buzzed. He thrust his chin against the tuning plate, switching from gang to interoffice band. "Mike?" said Avis Page's voice, "You're wanted ...
— Industrial Revolution • Poul William Anderson

... dernier avis [that the States should meet forty or sixty leagues from the capital], et elle insista aupres du roi que l'on s'eloignat de l'immense population de Paris. Elle craignait des lors que le peuple n'influencat les deliberations des deputes."—MADAME ...
— The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France • Charles Duke Yonge

... invitons les Populations de Belgique a ne pas entreindre cet avis, et ceux qui croiraient ne pas devoir se soumettre a cet avis, seront traduits devant les Officiers de la Justice Imperiale, et nous les prevenons que la peine peut-etre celle ...
— A Journal From Our Legation in Belgium • Hugh Gibson

... species of duck was very plentiful. At length we came upon the track of wheels, and followed them towards the station; which was not yet visible when our young native, Dicky, fell a shouting and laughing, drawing my attention to what certainly was a "RARA AVIS" to him. This was a white woman going with pails to milk the cows, and the first white female he could ever have seen. The jeering laugh of the young savage was amusing, as he pointed to that swaddled, straw-bonneted object, ...
— Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia • Thomas Mitchell

... Margaretam Scotorum reginam, & Christinam Sanctimonialem, & Clitonem Eadgarum suscepit. [Footnote: "Pus par le conseil le duc Edric aveit il en pense de aver tue les fiz le re Edmund; cest a dire, Eduuard e Edmun. Mes pur ceo ke il fust avis ke ceo eust este grant honte ali, si il les eust fet tuer en Engleterre, e pur ceo ke il se duta ausi ke se il demorassent en Engleterre ke il pensent en prendre contre lui, il les envea al rei de Sueue, e ly manda ke il les meist ala mort: ki ne, voleit unkes fere sa priere ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries - of the English Nation, v. 1, Northern Europe • Richard Hakluyt

... avis'd o' that? You shall find it a great charge; and to be up early and down late; but notwithstanding,—to tell you in your ear,—I would have no words of it—my master himself is in love with Mistress Anne Page; but notwithstanding that, I know Anne's mind, that's neither here ...
— The Merry Wives of Windsor • William Shakespeare [Craig, Oxford edition]

... are going backwards. In our times we learned Latin because our books were in Latin; now you study Latin a little but have no Latin books. On the other hand, your books are in Castilian and that language is not taught—aetas parentum pejor avis tulit nos nequiores! as Horace said." With this quotation he moved away majestically, ...
— The Reign of Greed - Complete English Version of 'El Filibusterismo' • Jose Rizal

... sanguis meus![020] Ille recurvis Unguibus, estque avidis dentibus ille minax. Ububae fuge cautus avis vim, gnate! Neque unquam Faedarpax ...
— The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll • Stuart Dodgson Collingwood

... be his meaning. His words are: "Ces institutions (i. e., the local administration) si sages et si paternelles ont valu a l'Espagne la conservation d'une colonie dont les habitants jouissent, a notre avis, de plus de liberte, de bonheur et de tranquillete que-ceux d'aucune autre nation." i, p. 357. Cf. also his final chapter: "L'idigene des Philippines est l'homme plus heureux du monde. Malgre son tribut, il n'est pas d'etre vivant en societe qui paye moins d'impot que lui. Il est libre, ...
— The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 • Emma Helen Blair

... hear and see him soon; he even tries to borrow money from me. Avis au lecteur. Good-bye; do you think a man can possibly live with a ...
— The Idiot • (AKA Feodor Dostoevsky) Fyodor Dostoyevsky

... had nothing particular to do, I went to a French bookseller in whose shop I made the acquaintance of a witty hunchback, and I must say that a hunchback without wit is a raga avis; I have found it so in all countries. Of course it is not wit which gives the hump, for, thank God, all witty men are not humpbacked, but we may well say that as a general rule the hump gives wit, for the very small number of hunchbacks who have little or no ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... men, as well as inimitable jokers. Whether people grow fat by joking, or whether there is something in fat itself which predisposes to a joke, I have never been quite able to determine; but certain it is that a lean joker is a rara avis ...
— The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 5 (of 5) of the Raven Edition • Edgar Allan Poe

... watchful and zealous attendants making the dust fly from the shoulders of such unlucky wights whose eager inquisitiveness to obtain a good close look brings them within the reach of their handy staves. We are followed by immense crowds, a Ferenghi being a rara avis in Khoi, and the fame of the wonderful asp- i (horse of iron) has spread like wild-fire through the city. In the bazaar I obtain Russian silver money, which is the chief currency of the country as far east as Zendjan. Partly to escape from the worrying crowds, and partly to ...
— Around the World on a Bicycle V1 • Thomas Stevens

... carried obligations which must be met, and he was constantly laying plots to inveigle or surprise his friend into compliance. He often succeeded, but he failed quite as frequently, so that, as a Mrs. Malaprop might have said, Hawthorne as a social lion was a rara avis, from first to last. The foible of artificial, as distinguished from spontaneous, society is that it so ...
— Hawthorne and His Circle • Julian Hawthorne

... in J. Duvergier, Collection complete des lois, decrets, ordonnances, reglements, avis du conseil ...
— The Governments of Europe • Frederic Austin Ogg

... objections, when what they are innocently suffering in the name of art curdles the artist's blood with horror, and keeps him away from church. The artist too, to whom we might look for help, is the rara avis in terris, and, in regard to his sympathy with the clergy, would often be thought by them to deserve the rest of the hexameter; but it is really to his credit that he is loth to meddle with church music. ...
— A Practical Discourse on Some Principles of Hymn-Singing • Robert Bridges

... of the Colony of Tel-Avis wrote: "On this great occasion, we should like to say, that as you have merited to see that the "howling desert" you have found, you have succeeded in creating into a "Garden of Eden," thus may you merit to see the flourishing state of the ...
— Pictures of Jewish Home-Life Fifty Years Ago • Hannah Trager

... a rarissima avis. In most cases we have to depend on our experience, which frequently leaves us in difficulties if we fail thoroughly to test it. Even the general law of causation, that every effect has its cause, is formulated, as Hume points out, only as a matter of habit. Hume's ...
— Robin Hood • J. Walker McSpadden

... carte que l'on a mise icy, tire sa premiere origine de celle que l'on a fait tailler de pieces rapportees, sur le pave de la nouvelle Maison-de-Ville d'Amsterdam." Relations de divers Voyages curieux.—Avis.] ...
— A Voyage to Terra Australis • Matthew Flinders

... a laugh. He had evidently found a rara avis, and was enjoying the discovery to the full. American types always interested him; this sample of Irish-New York ...
— Felix O'Day • F. Hopkinson Smith

... dans les premieres annees de ma raison naissante. Taciturne et tranquille pour l'ordinaire, mais quelquefois extremement petulant et babillard, presque toujours dans les extremes, obstine et rebelle a la force, fort soumis aux avis qu'on me donnait avec amitie, contenu plutot par la crainte d'etre gronde que par toute autre chose, d'une timidite excessive, et inflexible quand on voulait ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 2 • George Gordon Byron

... vouloir bien soumettre tous les documents ci-joints a l'oeil de sa Majeste, et dans le cas heureux ou vous seriez d'avis que ma compatriote, Mlle. Mitchell, puisse avec justice revendiquer la recompense genereuse instituee par le Roi Frederic VI., alors, Monsieur, je prie votre Excellence de vouloir bien appuyer de ses propres estimables ...
— Maria Mitchell: Life, Letters, and Journals • Maria Mitchell

... Alexandre de Campion, in the Recueil before cited, writes to Madame de Montbazon:—"Si mon avis eut ete suivi chez Renard, vous seriez sortie, pour obeir a la Reine, vous n'habiteriez pas la maison de Rochefort, et nous ne serions pas dans le ...
— Political Women (Vol. 1 of 2) • Sutherland Menzies

... stories circulated about them became at last too absurd even for that age of absurdity, and men began to laugh once more at those invisible gentlemen and their fantastic doctrines. Gabriel Naude at that conjuncture brought out his "Avis a la France sur les Freres de la Rose-croix," in which he very successfully exposed the folly of the new sect. This work, though not well written, was well timed. It quite extinguished the Rosicrucians of France; and, after that year, little more was ...
— Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions - Vol. I • Charles Mackay

... regarded these asterisms as unformed stars ([Greek: amorphotoi]). The next innovator of moment was Johann Bayer, a German astronomer, who published a Uranometria in 1603, in which twelve constellations, all in the southern hemisphere, were added to Ptolemy's forty-eight, viz. Apis (or Musca) (Bee), Avis Indica (Bird of Paradise), Chameleon, Dorado (Sword-fish), Grus (Crane), Hydrus (Water-snake), Indus (Indian), Pavo (Peacock), Phoenix, Piscis volans (Flying fish), Toucan, Triangulum australe. According to W. Lynn (Observatory, 1886, p. 255), Bayer adapted this part of his catalogue from ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 7, Slice 2 - "Constantine Pavlovich" to "Convention" • Various

... des trois ouvrages celui-ci ait du paroitre avant les deux autres, tout trois cependant, soit par economie de reliure, soit par analogie de matieres, ont ete reunis ensemble; et ils forment ainsi un gros volume in-folio, numerote 514, relie en bois avec basane rouge, et intitule au dos, Avis directif de Brochard. ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, - and Discoveries of The English Nation, Volume 10 - Asia, Part III • Richard Hakluyt

... It is false as to the hen. A crowing hen was always an object of interest and distinction; she was pointed out to visitors; the owner was proud of her accomplishment, he was naturally likely to preserve her life, and especially if she could lay. A hen that can lay and crow is a 'rara avis'. And it should be parenthetically said here that the hen who can crow and cannot lay is not a good example for woman. The crowing hen was of more value than the silent hen, provided she crowed with discretion; ...
— Baddeck and That Sort of Thing • Charles Dudley Warner

... in the Towne That he wynnes in y'e hundreth he louseth in the Shyre To stumble at a strawe and leap over a bloc To stoppe two gappes with one bush To doe more than the preest spake of on Sunday To throwe the hatchet after the helve Yow would be ouer the stile before yow come at it. Asinus avis (a foolish conjecture). Herculis Cothurnos aptare infantj To putt a childes leg into Hercules buskin Jupiter orbus Tales of Jupiter dead withowt yssue Juxta fluuium puteum fodere To dig a well by the Ryuer side A ring of Gold on a swynes snowte To help the sunne with lantornes In ostio formosus ...
— Bacon is Shake-Speare • Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence

... clarification of my faculties. I began to be aware of the rumble and oscillation of the train without realizing what was meant. Then I opened my eyes and blinked at the lamp, and vaguely noted the yellow oil washing to and fro in the bowl. Then the white square of the "Avis aux Voyageurs" caught my eye in the gloom under the luggage-rack, and beneath it, on the seat, I saw the light reflected from the lock of the German's portmanteau. Next I was conscious of the German himself still sleeping in his corner, but no longer puffing and grunting as when I had fallen ...
— Masterpieces of Mystery - Riddle Stories • Various

... rellement l'intrt de ces Cabinets, sont si videntes, que nous aimons croire qu'un avertissement unanime de leur part suffira pour la dtourner d'une voie galement dsastreuse sous le point de vue politique et moral. Je me range sous ce rapport entirement l'avis de Sir Stratford Canning, et aprs avoir pris les ordres du Roi, notre Auguste Matre, je vous invite, Monsieur, vous associer la dmarche que, je n'en doute pas, Messieurs vos collgues d'Autriche, de France et de Russie seront galement autoriss faire cet effet ...
— Correspondence Relating to Executions in Turkey for Apostacy from Islamism • Various

... ove lui ou vynt le dit Cardinal requerraunt molt entierment p' une pettit suff'nce issint qe home purroit faire parler dasemble c'teins gentz des p'ties en atente d'acord et de bone pees quelle chose il emp'st qil amereit a bon fey sur quoi nous p'ismes avis et lui otreiasmes sa requeste sur quoi furent ordeyner c'teins gentz dune p't e d'autre a tretir sur celle matirs lequel trete ne p'st nul exploit Et adonqes volleit le dit Cardinal avoir purchace une trewe en destourbaunce de la bataille a son gree a quel treve ne voilloit ...
— A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 • Anonymous

... from king James's duly-deserved praise, nor to obscure his never-dying memory; only I say, that such a prince as the Bishop speaketh of, who knoweth what is fit for a church to have, and what not, better than many learned and godly pastors assembled in a synod, is rara avis in terris nigroque simillima Cygno. For a prince being but a man, and so subject to error, being but one man, and so in the greater hazard of error; for plus videns oculi, quam oculus; and, "woe to him that is alone when he falleth, for he ...
— The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2) • George Gillespie

... garanti; car dans le grand livre scientifique tout s'ajoute et rien ne se perd. L'erreur ne fonde pas; aucune erreur ne dure tres longtemps.—RENAN, Feuilles Detachees, xiii. Toutes les fois que deux hommes sont d'un avis contraire sur la meme chose, a coup sur, l'un ou l'autre se trompe; bien plus, aucun ne semble posseder la verite; car si les raisons de l'un etoient certaines et evidentes, il pourroit les exposer a l'autre de telle maniere qu'il finiroit par le convaincre egalement.—DESCARTES, ...
— A Lecture on the Study of History • Lord Acton

... what it is, Avis Coulter," Constance was saying to a very plain, angular girl with large spectacles when the tea was almost over, "we've got to show this budding genius a little friendly attention, or she'll get homesick ...
— Miss Pat at Artemis Lodge • Pemberton Ginther

... de recevoir aujourd'hui la nouvelle de la reponse de la Russie a l'Ultimatum de Vienne, et avant d'avoir manifeste mon impression a qui que ce soit, pas meme a Walewski, je viens la communiquer a votre Majeste pour avoir son avis. ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume III (of 3), 1854-1861 • Queen of Great Britain Victoria

... said to her, for she and Cedric often called her grannie, probably from her careful, loving, old-womanish ways, "do you suppose such a rara avis exists in Earlsfield or Rotherwood? Let me see," ticking off each qualification on her fingers, "young Mrs. Cedric Templeton must be pretty—oh, very pretty; fair, because Cedric has a fancy for fair women with blue eyes; not tall—oh, decidedly not tall; petite, graceful, ...
— Herb of Grace • Rosa Nouchette Carey

... a bachelor. Bachelors are of two kinds: There is the Rara Avis Other Sort; and the common variety known as the Bachelorum Vulgaris. The latter variety may always be recognized by its proclivity to trespass on the preserve of the Pshaw of Persia, thus laying the candidate ...
— Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Volume 11 (of 14) - Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Businessmen • Elbert Hubbard

... September, he wrote to them:—"Vos Hautes Puissances jugeront bien par le camp que nous venons de prendre, qu'on n'a pas voulu se resoudre a tenter les lignes. J'ai ete convaincu de plus en plus, depuis l'honneur que j'ai eu de vous ecrire, par les avis que j'ai recu journellement de la situation des ennemis, que cette entreprise n'etait pas seulement practicable, mais meme qu'on pourrait en esperer tout le succes que je m'etais propose: enfin l'occasion en est perdue, et je souhaite de tout mon coeur ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol 58, No. 357, July 1845 • Various

... ... regionibus vidi pennas alae istius avis prodigiosae, licet avem non viderim, Penna illa, prout ex forma colligebatur, erat ex mediocribus, longitudine 28 palmorum, latitudine trium. Calamus vero a radice usque ad extremitatem longitudine quinque ...
— The Travels of Marco Polo, Volume 2 • Marco Polo and Rustichello of Pisa

... ovata, cordata, and Neottia nidus avis: the pollen is uniform; I suspect you must have seen some observation founded on a mistake from the penetration and hardening of sticky fluid from the rostellum, which does penetrate ...
— More Letters of Charles Darwin Volume II - Volume II (of II) • Charles Darwin

... Antonia, inestimable Antonina, inestimable Arabella, eagle heroine Arbella, God hath avenged Athaliah, time for God Auda, rich Augusta, female Augustus Aurelia, golden Aureola, little, pretty Aurora, fresh, brilliant Averil, battle-maid Avice, war refuge Avis, war refuge Barbara, stranger Basilia, kingly Bathilda, battle-maid Bathsheba, 7th daughter Beata, blessed Beatrix, making happy Becky, noosed cord Bega, life Belinda (uncertain) Belle, oath of Baal Bellona, warlike Bernice, bringing victory Bertalda, bright warrior Bertha, bright, beautiful Bessie, ...
— Cole's Funny Picture Book No. 1 • Edward William Cole

... extensive continent had been visited by very few navigators who have recorded any account of the productions of its Animal Kingdom. The first authentic report that we have, is that of Vlaming, who is celebrated as the first discoverer of that rara avis, the black swan: next to him followed Dampier, who has handed down to us in his intelligent, although quaint, style, the account of several of the productions of the North-western and Western Coasts; but the harvest was reserved for Banks and Solander, ...
— Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia] [Volume 2 of 2] • Phillip Parker King

... be said that the Everhard Manuscript is an important historical document. To the historian it bristles with errors—not errors of fact, but errors of interpretation. Looking back across the seven centuries that have lapsed since Avis Everhard completed her manuscript, events, and the bearings of events, that were confused and veiled to her, are clear to us. She lacked perspective. She was too close to the events she writes about. Nay, she was merged in the events ...
— The Iron Heel • Jack London

... le sceptre et qui te le donna M'a fait duc de Segorbe et duc de Cardona, Marquis de Monroy, comte Albatera, vicomte De Gor, seigneur de lieux dont j'ignore le compte. Je suis Jean d'Aragon, grand maitre d'Avis, ne Dans l'exil, fils proscrit d'un pere assassine Par sentence du ...
— Play-Making - A Manual of Craftsmanship • William Archer

... Instructif sur la Maniere de rassembler, de preparer, de conserver, et d'envoyer les diverses Curiosites d'Histoire Naturelle. Par Turgot. 1758. 8vo.—This work is also appended to "Avis pour le Transport par Mer des Arbres, des Plantes vivaces, des Semences, et de diverses autres Curiosites d'Histoire Naturelle. Par L.H. Duhamel." Published ...
— Robert Kerr's General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 18 • William Stevenson

... pour moi le rend ingnieux. Absent, je le consulte; et ses rponses sages 95 Pour venir jusqu'a moi trouvent mille passages. Un pre a moins de soin du salut de son fils. Dj mme, dj, par ses secrets avis, J'ai dcouvert au Roi les sanglantes pratiques Que formaient contre lui deux ingrats domestiques. 100 Cependant mon amour pour notre nation A rempli ce palais de filles de Sion, Jeunes et tendres fleurs, par le sort agites, Sous un ciel tranger comme moi transplantes. Dans un ...
— Esther • Jean Racine

... Roi de Sardaigne, plus de cousins a marier, plus de brouillons revolutionnaires a contenter. Aujourd'hui, et malgre toutes les paroles contraires, il me parait probable que ces causes de guerre prevaudront sur la moderation naturelle, sur le gout du repos voluptueux, sur l'avis des conseillers officiels, et sur le sentiment evident du public. Que fera l'Allemagne? Le tiendra-t-elle unie? La est la question. L'Angleterre y peut certainement beaucoup. Je ne vois plus que la une chance pour le maintien de ...
— Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve, C.B., D.C.L. - In Two Volumes. VOL. II. • John Knox Laughton

... que les conclusions des Parties auront t formules, le Comit d'arbitres, la demande de toute Partie, sollicitera, par l'entremise du Conseil, sur les points de droit contests, l'avis consultatif de la Cour permanente de Justice Internationale qui, dans ce cas, ...
— The Geneva Protocol • David Hunter Miller

... it, dubious, fateful, in the sultry days of July. It is the passionate printed advice of M. Marat, to abstain, of all things, from violence. (Avis au Peuple, ou les Ministres devoiles, 1st July, 1789 in Histoire Parlementaire, ii. 37.) Nevertheless the hungry poor are already burning Town Barriers, where Tribute on eatables is ...
— The French Revolution • Thomas Carlyle

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