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Arminian   Listen
Arminian  n.  (Eccl. Hist.) One who holds the tenets of Arminius, a Dutch divine (b. 1560, d. 1609). Note: The Arminian doctrines are: 1. Conditional election and reprobation, in opposition to absolute predestination. 2. Universal redemption, or that the atonement was made by Christ for all mankind, though none but believers can be partakers of the benefit. 3. That man, in order to exercise true faith, must be regenerated and renewed by the operation of the Holy Spirit, which is the gift of God. 4. That man may resist divine grace. 5. That man may relapse from a state of grace.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Arminian" Quotes from Famous Books

... doctrines are defined in dogmatic language, and none of them are imposed as creeds. As long as a man holds true to the broad principles of the Christian faith, he may, whether he is a minister or a layman, think much as he pleases on many other vexed questions. He may be either a Calvinist or an Arminian, either a Higher Critic or a defender of plenary inspiration, and either High Church or Methodistic in his tastes. He may have his own theory of the Atonement, his own conception of the meaning of the Sacraments, his own views on Apostolical Succession, and his own belief about the infallibility ...
— History of the Moravian Church • J. E. Hutton

... binding obligation of our national vows; and we wad rather gie a pund Scots to buy an unguent to clear out auld rannell-trees and our beds o' the English bugs as they ca' them, than we wad gie a plack to rid the land of the swarm of Arminian caterpillars, Socinian pismires, and deistical Miss Katies, that have ascended out of the bottomless pit, to plague this perverse, insidious, ...
— The Heart of Mid-Lothian, Complete, Illustrated • Sir Walter Scott

Words linked to "Arminian" :   adherent, Arminian Baptist, Arminianism, disciple, Arminian Church

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