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Androgynal   Listen
Androgynal, Androgynous  adj.  
Uniting both sexes in one, or having the characteristics of both; being in nature both male and female; hermaphroditic. "The truth is, a great mind must be androgynous."
(Bot.) Bearing both staminiferous and pistilliferous flowers in the same cluster.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Androgynal" Quotes from Famous Books

... The notion of man being at first androgynous, or man-woman, was prevalent in most of the countries of antiquity. Mr. Baring-Gould says that "the idea, that man without woman and woman without man are imperfect beings, was the cause of the great repugnance with which the Jews and other nations of the East regarded ...
— Flowers from a Persian Garden and Other Papers • W. A. Clouston

... of town leisure. There he had seen for the first time the panorama of slanting sunshades, patent leather shoes, horses cantering in the dusty sunlight, or proudly grouped, the riders flicking the flies away with gold-headed whips. He loved the androgynous attire of the horsewomen—collars, silk hats, and cravats. The Park appealed to him intensely and strangely as nothing else did. He loved the Park for the great pasture it afforded to his vanity. It was in the Park he saw the fashionable procuress driving—she who would not allow him to pay ...
— Mike Fletcher - A Novel • George (George Augustus) Moore

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