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Agaric   Listen
Agaric  n.  
(Bot.) A fungus of the genus Agaricus, of many species, of which the common mushroom is an example.
An old name for several species of Polyporus, corky fungi growing on decaying wood. Note: The "female agaric" (Polyporus officinalis) was renowned as a cathartic; the "male agaric" (Polyporus igniarius) is used for preparing touchwood, called punk or German tinder.
Agaric mineral, a light, chalky deposit of carbonate of lime, sometimes called rock milk, formed in caverns or fissures of limestone.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Agaric" Quotes from Famous Books

... continuance, then it is to be eradicated by purging, preparation of the humour being first considered, which may be done by the virgin's drinking the decoction of guaiacum, with dittany of erete; but the best purge in this case ought to be made of aloes, agaric, senna, rhubarb; and for strengthening the bowels and removing obstructions, chaly-beate medicines are chiefly to be used. The diet must be moderate, and sharp ...
— The Works of Aristotle the Famous Philosopher • Anonymous

Words linked to "Agaric" :   Pholiota flavida, Pholiota squarrosoides, Clitocybe nuda, Pholiota astragalina, jack-a-lantern, olive-tree agaric, Amanita phalloides, chanterelle, Amanita caesarea, Cantharellus clavatus, Pluteus magnus, toadstool, Clitocybe robusta, Pluteus aurantiorugosus, Pholiota squarrosa-adiposa, Omphalotus illudens, Gymnopilus validipes, jack-o-lantern fungus, oyster mushroom, Tricholoma venenata, Chlorophyllum molybdites, Entoloma lividum, golden pholiota, Gymnopilus ventricosus, Cortinarius semisanguineus, Cantharellus cibarius, Amanita rubescens, Armillaria ponderosa, Pholiota squarrosa, Cantharellus floccosus, Pleurotus ostreatus, Cortinarius atkinsonianus, royal agaric, booted armillaria, blusher, Lepiota procera, white matsutake, Armillaria caligata, Agaricus campestris, shaggy cap, parasol mushroom, milkcap, straw mushroom, Stropharia rugoso-annulata, Clytocybe alba, nameko, Armillariella mellea, Fomes, viscid mushroom, shaggymane, inky cap, destroying angel, Clitocybe dealbata, Clitocybe inornata, horse mushroom, sawdust mushroom, Tricholoma flavovirens, false deathcap, honey mushroom, Fomes igniarius, Tricholoma aurantium, Stropharia ambigua, Cortinarius violaceus, waxycap, Pholiota destruens, Cortinarius corrugatus, fairy-ring mushroom, Coprinus comatus, man-on-a-horse, oyster fungus, Coprinus atramentarius, mushroom, Volvariella bombycina, Pholiota aurea, Amanita muscaria, Pholiota flammans, winter mushroom, Pholiota nameko, Clitocybe clavipes, Tricholoma pardinum, Cortinarius armillatus, Armillaria zelleri, death cap, Gymnopilus spectabilis, death angel, Entoloma sinuatum, Volvariella volvacea, cinnabar chanterelle, Tricholoma sejunctum, Entoloma aprile, sandy mushroom, Lactarius delicioso, genus Fomes, blewits, Cantharellus cinnabarinus, Agaricales, Pleurotus phosphoreus, Tricholoma pessundatum, basidiomycete, deer mushroom, purple-staining Cortinarius, Cortinarius mutabilis, Lepista irina, basidiomycetous fungi, floccose chanterelle, pig's ears, Flammulina velutipes, Amanita verna, Marasmius oreades, jack-o-lantern, Clitocybe irina, Tricholoma vaccinum, Stropharia hornemannii, Clitocybe subconnexa, Chinese mushroom, Pluteus cervinus, death cup, Amanita mappa, Agaricus arvensis, scaly pholiota, honey fungus, inky-cap mushroom, Cortinarius gentilis, fungus, Cortinarius subfoetidus, Tricholoma populinum, fly agaric, chantarelle, field mushroom, Tricholoma irinum, blushing mushroom, oyster agaric

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