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  English Dictionary   examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

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skeletal - skilled workman
skillet - skirt of tasses
skirting - slacken
slacken off - slatternly
slaty - sleepiness
sleeping - slide
slide - slippery
slippery dick - slovakia
slovakian - sly
slyboots - smart
smart aleck - smoke grenade
smoke hole - smoulder
smoulder - snap bean
snap brim - snifter
snigger - snow in summer
snow job - so
so and so - social democratic party
social development commission - sociometry
sociopath - soft boiled
soft cast steel - soil horizon
soil pipe - solarisation
solarise - solidago bicolor
solidago canadensis - soma
somaesthesia - song dynasty
song of solomon - sophora tetraptera
sopor - sort program
sorted - sound structure
sound system - south
south - southern crab apple
southern cross - soybean flour
soybean future - spandrel
spandril - spark off
spark plug - speakable
speakeasy - specimen
specimen bottle - speechwriter
speed - spermatocyte
spermatogenesis - sphinx moth
sphygmomanometer - spike suppressor
spiked - spinning wheel
spinocerebellar disorder - spiritualism
spiritualist - splenic
splenic artery - spondylolisthesis
sponge - sport fish
sport jacket - spotted salamander
spotted sandpiper - spring cleavers
spring cress - spur gear
spur of the moment - square dance music
square dancer - squeamishly
squeamishness - st augustine
st augustine grass - st peter s wort
st peter s wreath - stage door
stage effect - stalingrad
stalinisation - standard gauge
standard generalized markup la - star apple
star begonia - startle reflex
startle response - static magnet
static tube - stay together
stay up - steel
steel arch bridge - stellate venule
steller - stephead
stephen - sterna
sterna hirundo - stickleback
stickler - sting
sting - stizostedion
stizostedion vitreum - stocktaking
stockton - stone root
stone s throw - storax
storax family - straggling
stragglingly - strangled
stranglehold - strawberry shrub family
strawberry tomato - streptococcal sore throat
streptococci - strike a chord
strike a note - striped violet
striper - structural
structural anthropology - stuffed egg
stuffed grape leaves - stylise
stylised - subclass amphineura
subclass anapsida - subdivision pinophytina
subdivision pteropsida - subjoin
subjoining - suborder ceratopsia
suborder ceratosaura - subprogram
subrogate - subterfuge
subterminal - succourer
succuba - suffix
suffix - suiting
suitor - sum total
sum up - sun lamp
sun lounge - sunna
sunnah - superfetation
superficial - superoxide
superoxide anion - supply chamber
supply closet - sure fire
sure footed - surmount