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  English Dictionary   examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

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negaprion - nell gywn
nellie bly - neophobia
neophron - nereus
nergal - nesting place
nestle - neurochemical
neurodermatitis - neutron flux
neutron radiation - new style calendar
new testament - news agency
news article - nh
ni - nictitation
nicu - night stop
night terror - niminy piminy
nimitz - nippy
nipr - nnrti
nnw - nod
nod off - non catholic
non christian priest - nonchurchgoing
noncitizen - nonextensile
nonfat - nonobservance
nonobservant - nonsegmental
nonsegregated - nook
nook and cranny - norris
norrish - northerly
northerly - norwich terrier
nose - nothofagus menziesii
nothofagus obliqua - noviciate
novillada - nuclear warhead
nuclear weapon - numdah
numdah rug - nurture
nusa tenggara - nycturia
nydrazid - oat cell carcinoma
oatcake - obliging
obligingly - obstetrics
obstinacy - occupation license
occupational - octavian
octavo - odonata
odonate - off base
off broadway - officer s mess
official - oil future
oil geologist - old boy network
old bulgarian - old world vulture
old world warbler - olive
olive - ommiad
omnibus - on the qui vive
on the road - one man rule
one member - ono
onobrychis - opaline
opalise - operand
operant - opinion
opinion poll - optical bench
optical condenser - orange
orange balsam - orchard grass
orchard oriole - order chelonethida
order chelonia - order heterotrichales
order hymenogastrales - order pelecaniformes
order pelycosauria - order stereospondyli
order stomatopoda - oregon holly grape
oregon jargon - oriental black mushroom
oriental bush cherry - ornithischia
ornithischian - orthopter
orthoptera - oscillatory
oscillogram - osteoma
osteomalacia - ototoxic
ottar - out of town
out of true - outing
outlander - outspread
outstanding - overage
overage - overestimate
overestimate - overpass
overpay - oversubscribed
oversupply - owlish
owlishly - oxybutyric acid
oxycephaly - p e
p e ratio - pack riding
pack tent - page printer
pageant - pair of scissors
pair of tongs - paleencephalon
paleface - palliative
palliative - pan
pan american day - pane
pane of glass - panthera leo
panthera onca - paper money
paper mulberry - para i
para river - parallel
parallel axiom - paraquet
parasail - paresthesia
paretic - parley
parley - parse
parsec - particular
particular baptist - pas de quatre
pas de trois - passiflora quadrangularis