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  English Dictionary   examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

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curve - cut corners
cut down - cv
cva - cycle rickshaw
cycles second - cymose
cymric - cyproheptadine
cyprus - cytophotometric
cytophotometrically - dacryocyst
dacryocystitis - dairymaid
dairyman - damask rose
damask steel - dancing
dancing lady orchid - dappled gray
dappled grey - darmstadtium
darn - database management
database management system - david siqueiros
david smith - daytime
dayton - dead hand
dead hand of the past - dearth
deary - debugger
debunk - decentralising
decentralization - declare
declare oneself - decree
decree - deep yellow
deepen - defense attorney
defense contractor - defog
defoliant - deign
deimos - delimitate
delimitation - demander
demanding - demon
demon ridden - denazify
dendranthema - dental orthopedics
dental plaque - department of philosophy
department of physics - depositary
deposition - derivable
derivation - descriptive geometry
descriptive grammar - desirableness
desire - destalinisation
destalinise - determinist
deterministic - deviant
deviate - devoutness
devries - diadromous
diaeresis - diapensia
diapensia family - dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethan
dichloroethyl sulfide - didanosine
didder - differential analyzer
differential blood count - digitaria
digitaria ischaemum - dim
dim - dinner gown
dinner jacket - diplodocus
diploic vein - direct mail
direct mailer - disaccord
disadvantage - discerp
discharge - discord
discordance - disentangled
disentanglement - dishpan
dishrag - dismally
dismantle - displace
displaced fracture - dissected
dissection - distemper
distend - distrustfulness
disturb - divert
diverted - divorcee
divorcement - dock
dock walloper - doeskin
doff - doi
doily - domestic
domestic animal - donato bramante
donato d agnolo bramante - dorian
dorian order - dotted gayfeather
dotted line - double park
double play - dovishness
dovyalis - downwardly
downwards - drag
drag - draughty
dravidian - drenched in
drenching - drilling rig
drily - drogue parachute
droll - drove
drove chisel - dry clean
dry cleaned - dual carriageway
dual inline package switch - due
due - dumper
dumpiness - durables
durabolin - dutch people
dutch processed cocoa - dye
dye - dyspnoea
dyspnoeal - earleaved umbrella tree
earless - earthnut pea
earthquake - eastern cottonwood
eastern cricket frog - eau de toilette
eau de vie - echeneis naucrates
echidna - economic geology
economic growth - edecrin
edelweiss - edmund cartwright
edmund charles edouard genet - edward teller
edward thatch - effloresce
efflorescence - egotistically
egotrip - eighty two
eijkman - elapid