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  English Dictionary   examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

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border on - bosky
bosna i hercegovina - botticelli
bottle - bouldered
bouldery - bow
bow and arrow - box wrench
boxberry - brachychiton
brachychiton acerifolius - brain death
brain disease - branchiobdellidae
branchiopod - brassica rapa pekinensis
brassica rapa perviridis - bread maker
bread mold - breast fed
breast feeding - brescia
breslau - bridge player
bridge whist - bring around
bring back - british isles
british labour party - broadleaf
broadloom - bronchial artery
bronchial asthma - brothel keeper
brother - brownish yellow
brownish yellow - brushup
brushwood - buccaneer
buccaneering - budgerigar
budgerygah - buggy
buggy whip - bull neck
bull nettle - bum about
bum around - bunkmate
bunko - burgundy sauce
burgundy wine - burro deer
burroughs - bushel
bushel basket - busybody
busyness - butterfly bush
butterfly collector - buy time
buy up - bystander
byte - cable car
cable length - caddy
caddy - caffre
caftan - calamus rotang
calan - calefactory
calendar - california single leaf pinyon
california sycamore - calling
calling card - calorie free
calorifacient - camass
camassia - campaign
campaign - canada
canada anemone - cancer cell
cancer drug - canicular
canicular days - cannulize
canny - canvasback
canvasback duck - caper tree
capercaillie - capital of jamaica
capital of japan - capital of swaziland
capital of sweden - capri
capric acid - car battery
car bomb - carbamide
carbide - carcinomatous myopathy
carcinosarcoma - cardiopulmonary exercise
cardiopulmonary resuscitation - cariama cristata
cariamidae - carnage
carnal - carp
carpal - carrier
carrier bag - cartoon strip
cartoonist - case by case
case fatality proportion - cassava
cassava starch - castilleja chromosa
castilleja miniata - catachrestical
cataclinal - catch fire
catch it - cathartidae
cathay - cattleship
cattley guava - caution
caution - ceaseless
ceaselessly - celery pine
celery root - celtic
celtic - center spread
center stage - centreboard
centrefold - cerastes
cerastes cornutus - ceremonial
ceremonial dance - cesarean delivery
cesarean section - chador
chaenactis - chalcidae
chalcidfly - champion
champion - channel
channel - characteristic curve
characteristic root of a squar - charles dodgson
charles dudley warner - charolais
charon - chaulmoogra tree
chaulmugra - cheekiness
cheekpiece - chelonian
chelonian - chenille cord
chenin blanc - chesterfield
chesterton - chicken marengo
chicken mousse - child s body
child s game - chimneypot
chimneystack - chinese revolution
chinese rhubarb - chisel