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  English Dictionary   examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

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0 - 1780s
1790s - 28th
29 - 500
500th - a a michelson
a a milne - abasement
abash - aberdare
aberdeen - abnegate
abnegation - abrase
abrasion - absolve
absolved - abutment arch
abutter - acanthotic
acanthous - accession
accessional - accountable
accountancy - acer macrophyllum
acer negundo - achlamydeous
achlorhydria - acknowledgment
aclant - acridity
acridness - acth
actias - active agent
active air defense - ad
ad agency - adder s tongue fern
addible - adenovirus
adenylic acid - adlai ewing stevenson
adlai stevenson - adopt
adoptable - adulteress
adulterine - advisory board
advisory service - aerobe
aerobic - affect
affect - afl
afl cio - after shave
after shave lotion - age group
age limit - aggressiveness
aggressor - agrarian
agree - ahura
ahura mazda - air gun
air hammer - airfoil
airforce - al alamayn
al aqabah - alaskan pipeline
alastrim - alcedo
alcedo atthis - alehoof
alehouse - alexandrian
alexandrian laurel - algonquian language
algonquin - alka seltzer
alkahest - all too
all victorious - allice shad
allied - allotted
allover - aloe ferox
aloe vera - alphamerical
alphanumeric - alternation
alternation of generations - alytes cisternasi
alytes obstetricans - amberjack
ambiance - ameliorative
amelioratory - american featherfoil
american federalist party - american spikenard
american staffordshire terrier - amiodarone
amir - amorpha
amorpha californica - ample
ampleness - anabiosis
anabiotic - analogist
analogize - anaspida
anastalsis - ancylus
ancylus fluviatilis - android
andromeda - anew
anfractuous - angledozer
angler - angular position
angular shape - animatedly
animateness - anne robert jacques turgot
anne sexton - anoestrus
anogramma - anser
anser anser - anterior crural nerve
anterior facial vein - anthropocentricity
anthropocentrism - antic
antic - antilocapridae
antilog - antiseptic
antiseptic - anu
anubis - aperient
aperient - aplacophoran
aplanatic - apostasy
apostate - appendectomy
appendicectomy - apportionable
apportioned - april fools
april fools day - arabian
arabian - araucariaceae
araujia - arch
arch over - arching
archipallium - arcus zygomaticus
arda - argiope aurantia
argiopidae - aristolochia durior
aristolochia macrophylla - armeria